Dec 29, 2008 19:33
I had a weird dream the other night. I ended up winning a bronze medal in the Olympics in rugby. I don't even like rugby.
The guy running with the ball was dogpiled, so I decided to step up. I grabbed the ball and toddled over to the touchline, winning the game for England. Then I found myself in a classroom with various comic book characters. I was sitting next to Dani Moonstar, formerly of the New Mutants.
I haven't had a cool dream like that for ages. Whooo!
It was a slow day at work again today. We spent most of the half hour talking about stuff. The subject matter started to get pretty heavy. Evolution and stuff. That made me think that we should get out own program on the telly. It would have to be on BBC 4, because they go for all that highbrow subject matter. BBC 1 has the news and Cockneys shouting at each other, BBC 2 has Top Gear, ITV is crap, and Channel 4 has The IT Crowd. If the show was on Channel 5 there would have to be tits. Although, the show would be about several tits sitting around talking.
Also, I have a cold.