Jun 04, 2008 22:06
Another dinner tonight.
Jaime and I met Melody,
her two little ones, and
Sarah at Nile. For being
a mother of two, Melody
looked better than ever.
Always good to catch up
with old friends. But when
I see a friend married with
kids, I'm not a bit envious.
Only glad to be where I am
instead of where they are.
Overall I love my life as it is.
Sure I might not be finished
with school, but I've gotten
to do and see things I could
never have done or seen if I
had tuition bills & papers due.
Sure I might not make bank,
but every person I know that
makes bank has no time for
anything fun with that bank.
I'm not knocking anyone's life.
Everyone's finish line is different.
I don't feel that I've reached mine.
And I'm not going to pretend that
I have and/or settle just to fit in to
the societal "norm" that tells me
"doing something" with my life =
letting the world "do" my life for me.