(no subject)

Oct 28, 2004 15:23

Well everyone this isnt really an update...more of a question answer thing... You see i got this break in between my spanish class and my German philosophy class and these questions run through my head and i was wondering what you all think about them. so if you read this you better comment with your thoughts. Or the ass gremlins will eat you....and your ass.

Is it justme or whenit comes to sex, girls are the most paranoid and insane creatures alive. You know what I don't get... if i smoke a cig after sex or do what i like to refer to as my "touch down dance," why is it, and i quote, "disgusting" or "nasty?" O yeah me smoking this cig is really nasty compared to what you just got done smoking. I'm pretty sure that my intake of Carbon Monoxide isn't half as nasty as your intake of my little Michaels. Girls have it easy. Guys do all the work anyways. If I'm humping the hell out of you for a good 5min- 3 hours (depending on what kinda mood I'm in and how big your tits are) then damned i earned it.

Which brings me to my next point. Something all of us who engage in premarridal sex must endure. The dreaded "are you using me" question. And the stupid part is, its always the ones i actually care about who ask this. Those skany bitches that i get w/ for a night never ask that... maybe cause they know its true. What do girls expect us to say anyways? Yes??? Yeah thats a good way to keep getting some if we were usin you, jackass. Whats even more annoying is when you consistently take the girl out, call her on the phoneand play overall super bf but everyonce and a while hump her brains out and they still ask "are you just in it for the sex?" Bitch if I'm spending all this money and time to take you out then you better be one hell of a piece of tang. if not then your basically the definiton of a hooker. And why is it me always the one using her??? Yeah it was me moaning away and sticking my tits in your face. My favorite is when the girl makes the move and yet its all i think about. Look ladies, its alright to like sex. Most of us do. If you take it like a champ then good for you. don't blame your love of sex on the guy. Accept your actions.

College students need to realize that the power of one is bull shit and if they want to get their message heard then tey need to find a more effective way then writing pointless phrases in chalk in the pit (for you non unc kids thats like the center of campus where everyone comes together). Look, I'm happy foor you that your so commited tobeing a communist. congratulations for ignoring the late 80s. I'm sorry to inform you that communism is dead. O but you say China is a communist nation. I say your an iddiot and China adopted a more captialistic society long ago. Sure you got like Korea and Cuba but who really gives a fuck about those shit holes anyways. Although my German phlosophy class has given me a great desire to bludgeon Marx's corpse w/ a big stick, i must say in his defense that his idea of communism is completly different from say the USSR or China's version. the problem w/ Marx's philosophy is that it requires humans to be caring of their fellow man and to not be selfish. I'm not sure where Marx got this faith in humanity, but he has obviously never meet a Republican.

Well up to this point most of these have been my thoughts but heres more questions with only a couple comments from me...

Why does the pit preacher get a bigger crowd than the amazing blues singer in the honors building? Is hatred more appealing than art? Why wasn't the blues singer better advertised? I would have never even known about him unless I hadn't stumbled into the honors building to take a piss at that exact moment.

I saw a seeing eye dog the other day leading around this guy. I thought tomyself how awesome it was that this guy is able to be relatively independent and get aroudn with the help of this dog. But then i asked myself how does he know where he is going? Does the dog know? does the guy count footsteps?

The other day i went to bed relatively early for me. I told my room mate i was going to call it a night and he got up and turned off the tv so i assumed he to was going to bed. so i got inmy bed and he got on his comp and little innocent me was just assuming he was just going to finish up some last minute hw. So im trying to sleep but the light from his comp is keeping me awake. so after a while i look down and what do i see?? i see britney spears??? hhmm maybe hes just a fan but then he clicks back tothe main page and what was that page you ask??? o it was nippleslip.com of course. That horny little basterd. As annoying as the thought of my room mate getting off to nipple slips of jenna bush and mrs. usa i began to think, why is he looking at small nipple slips? The internet provides us with loads of info. you can get anything. so why does he look at nippleslip.com when he can see a 17 year old virgin get rammed from behind by an 19 inch dildo with nails in it. My room mate is such a pussy.

AND EVERYONE MUST ANSWER OF AT LEAST THINK REALLY HARD ABOUT THIS LAST QUESTION!!! Why do girls get bitchier on their period? I know if my penis started bleeding i would just be sad. I think this is just one more argument in support of my theory of why girls are callous bitches.

Well thats enough from the mind of michael munro. Some day maybe i'll update on whats going on in my life....theres been a lot of interesting mishaps including a hostpital visit and my attempts to be a good kid. but i don't really feelliek sharing it with all of america so for now your just going to have to settle with these quesitons which you people who read this better answer
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