
Sep 22, 2010 16:44

Okay, I guess I'll be f-locking this journal as far as personal entries go. I keep getting friend requests from random people who don't speak English and who list absolutely none of the interests I do. I've also just had to delete spam comments on two separate entries ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

fangfaceandrea September 22 2010, 20:55:54 UTC
gahhhh that's happening to me too. it's unnerving. I always flock personal entries anyway, but I'm not about to give personal info to people I don't know anyway.


unbridled_b September 23 2010, 00:11:02 UTC
Glad I'm not alone at least.


jacobs_muse September 22 2010, 20:58:36 UTC
Are the Russian friend-bots out in force again? You can report the names to LJ and they'll take care of it. The accounts usually get deleted soon after.


unbridled_b September 23 2010, 00:12:21 UTC
Yep, out and up to their usual shenanigans. I've reported them, but I thought maybe if I kept a lower profile they'd stop targeting me to much. It's getting annoying.


jacobs_muse September 23 2010, 00:14:02 UTC
They used to friend my fanfic LJ all the time the last time there was a big influx.


musicbitch September 22 2010, 22:01:15 UTC
Ugh, I had to lock a post recently because I kept getting random comments from people not on my friend's list.


unbridled_b September 23 2010, 00:14:28 UTC
I've never minded strangers popping in on an unlocked post as long as they had something relevant to say, but I draw the line at spam.


empresspatti September 22 2010, 22:02:55 UTC
I really understand - and hope I make the cut!


unbridled_b September 23 2010, 00:15:26 UTC
Fear not. You definitely make the cut. :)


teragramm September 22 2010, 23:07:59 UTC
I have also had random people who don't speak English friend me but most of my posts are flocked and I don't friend anyone who looks "fishy" For me it is kind of easy since I don't write fiction, I'm not as well known as you. So unless they comment about friending me I don't friend back.


unbridled_b September 23 2010, 00:18:50 UTC
I used to friend somewhat easily, as long as the person listed some of the same interests as me, but for the past year or so I've only been accepting friend requests if the person's lj is broken in or if they're a regular commenter on my own. I probably should've been implementing that policy all along.


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