the episodes that made me like claymore. otherwise I would have probably been lukewarm about it. the book is still better, but these ones actually follow the book very very closely. There is violence, but it's ridiculously cartoonish and exaggerated; child abuse and kicking a child; attempted gang-rape; and puke-inducing deformity/mutilation that we are not shown. Something for everyone... Plus Teresa, who also has something for everyone, even the target audience of teenage boys (hint: an awesome rack)
goddamnit, i wish someone cared. If you could put yourself in my place at the time I started watching this-- it's hard even for me to believe now but I was crying at least 50% of the time, felt sick and woozy about 75%, and couldn't sleep through the night even if I could get to sleep, which I usually couldn't because I would start crying the minute I put my head on a pillow... which is the main reason I laid in bed watching random fucking anime. It was the easy way to numb myself and be distracted while doing nothing, because I had no energy to do anything but lay in bed and stare at something completely random and unrelated to reality. Really anything would do, I even watched Tsukihime and Elfen Lied, totally out of BOREDOM. It was mostly boring, but I stopped crying and focused on being bored.
I cried a LOT when I saw this the first time but it still affects me emotionally now. that's kind of pathetic, it's a cartoon... but it hit every one of my buttons on the way down. If you can explain to me what's wrong about that, then I'll consider myself further enlightened because I just don't know. <33 TERESA!!<33 My favorite character type is the fucking badass, stuck up chick who secretly nurses a wounded heart. W/E.
unrelated, i've taken a week or 2 off from working on the story so I could get further perspective on it, but the last week I did I was writing scenes and dialogue like crazy all of a sudden. I did a rough draft of the climactic scene and came back to it about a week later... I could never really get the end together and I lost steam and left it hanging for the moment. When I came back to the scene I wasn't happy at all anymore with the pat way I intended everything to resolve, even though it's something I had pretty much planned since forever... also as a result of thinking more deeply about the three major characters and their motivations, the way I felt about them had evolved and in some ways changed dramatically.
I don't feel at all the same about Jeannette as I did when I started writing, even though she has the same basic personality traits. I no longer position her in my mind, as truly the base matter, that's just the perspective of another character. Her motivation has evolved because the more I wrote into the intricacies, what motivations I had ascribed to everyone... really didn't explain as much as I wanted to or make it as compelling. I went from seeing them as a bunch of lost souls who were kind of trapped in a spiral of fate, to being evolving minds fully aware of the ramifications of their choices, and prepared to make those choices in time.
I started with a rather cloudy view of Clara to begin with but with the evolution of a couple other characters she has grown to keep pace. The way I think about her now is far more subversive (in terms of her character, not in terms of me writing on teh 3dg3.) Her loyalties have become slightly unpredictable and her choices much more conscious than her exterior would let on.
As a consequence, the climax is taking a really great (large) shift in my mind, into something different from where I thought I was headed. Really it's because the characters demand it. The plot is in their service, as the real heart of the plot is personal evolution and the consequences of choices and devotion in their lives.
I think the ending will take a little darker turn, but in a way that's hard for me to explain. And since you don't know the plot, it wouldn't make sense to explain it anyway. I can't throw it out because now the characters really mean something to me. I've thought about them for years, and they really in a sense tell me exactly who they are, in their time and pace, and tell me what needs to happen.
this is about the second most pretentious thing I've said in the past week. I'm sorry. I'm always reminded of Tori Amos talking about her songs as her children or girls. I sort of related to that though, even if she is a little more than loopy. When I write I tend to see the song/poem/whatever taking a mind of its own and just moving thru me. O/C please feel at leisure to liberate me from the delusion that anything of merit would choose to take shape in my hands.