Application for mandalus

Oct 19, 2012 23:55

Name: Kristina
Personal Journal: darkranger
Contact: AIM: Gunblade Dancer; Plurk: raynebowranger
Timezone: GMT

Current Characters: N/A

Character Name: Gene Hunt
Character Journal: unbreakablelion
Canon: Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes
Canon Point: Post Ashes 3.08
Canon Building: Gene isn’t bringing a building, instead he’s bringing his car - a red Audi Quattro. Gene’s car is his most prized possession - or at least one of them. His gun and his cowboy boots are pretty important too. But his car is a sign of power and sexual prowess. He is loathed to let anyone else touch his car, much less drive it. He has been quoted as saying ‘This car's more a part of me than my own ball-sac’ and ‘nobody but me drives my bloody car’. It’s a constant in his life. Much like the Cortina was a constant for him in 1970s Manchester, the Quattro embodies his life in 1980s London. It’s the first thing that Alex sees when she meets Gene, and it plagues her dreams when she supposedly returns home. In Gene’s weakest moment, when he’s facing defeat Alex reminds him of the day they met - ‘And there was this car… and those boots… and you. Gene Hunt’.

History: Here

Personality: Gene Hunt is an old school copper in a changing world. His views and his methods are outdated, but he is reluctant change to the new ways - although through Sam and Alex he does begin to accept these changes - but he still relies heavily on his own ways. He is scared of change although he won't admit it out-right for fear of sounding poncy. Instead he often finds himself questioning whether there is room for people like him on the police force - of course, he usually forgets about his worries quite quickly when his tried and tested methods save the day.

He is a borderline alcoholic, chain-smoking, sexist, racist, homophobic pig with an unhealthy obsession with male bonding, who says whatever he thinks, whenever he thinks it without giving a damn about whether or not he is being politically correct. He has an arrogance about him and believes in intuition and gut feeling. He is quick-witted, sharp-tongued and always ready with an insult or two. He is loud, brash and down-right abusive at times.

Gene has an obsession with Westerns. He sees himself as the sheriff, yet a deputy to the law. And every sheriff needs good, honest, trustworthy deputies. He despises corruption. He used to take backhanders and he hated himself for it. It ate him up inside until Sam gave him the courage to do something about it. And when Chris found himself on the wrong side of right and mixed up in corruption, it just about broke Gene's heart. Gene considers himself one of the good guys, even if it means getting his hands dirty occasionally. He once told Alex "You give me the tools and I will do the job, but do not watch me work because it is not for the faint-hearted."

He makes enemies easily but friends less so. He has plenty of work colleagues and acquaintances but it takes a lot for him to really open up to anyone to be considered a real friend. He had a love-hate relationship with both Sam Tyler and Alex Drake, both of them drove him insane and fought him tooth and nail, but ultimately they were two of the closest friends he ever had. Ray Carling, while not as close to him as Sam or Alex was definitely one of the people he trusted most in the world.

Under a very rough exterior, Gene actually has a big heart. He is like a father figure to his team, taking them under his wing and protecting them. This is especially apparent with the younger members of the team like Shaz and Chris. As the truth about Gene is revealed, it becomes clear that this father role is bigger than people imagined. He is not just protecting these people; he is helping them find peace and the strength to move on from the trauma that brought them to him in the first place.

Imported Character History: N/A

Powers/Abilities: Extreme driving. Fantastic with firearms and fist fighting. Oh, and he guides lost spirits to their eternal rest.

First Person Sample: Here.

Third Person Sample: Great. Bloody wonderful. Thanks to a botched sting operation that had left one police officer dead and another badly injured, Gene now had the Discipline and Complaints Department breathing down his neck again. Unkept arrest sheets, a lack of audio cassettes from interviews and a general shoddy workmanship regarding paperwork also showed CID in a bad light. Despite numerous warnings, Gene still firmly believed that paperwork was a waste of police time and if they wanted paperwork doing they should hire secretaries - preferably ones with skirts up to their arse and low cut blouses!

Gene had been sat in his office, smoking a cigarette and toying with his - the real his - collar number, brushing a gloved thumb over the chromed numbers. He threw it into the top drawer of his desk, locking it, before crushing the cigarette out, pushing himself to his feet.

He opened the door to his office, stepping out into CID's main room to address his team. "Right, ladies. Listen up. Some tart from D&C is coming to check up on us, so I want you all on your best behaviour, got it?" His current team was a far cry from the team he had come to love and care for, but they weren’t a bad bunch. They did their job, they obeyed his orders. Yet it just didn’t have the same feel in this room any more.

He threw his car keys at one of the men. "You. Go polish the Quattro. If you so much as scratch it I'll shove your head so far up your arse you'll be able to lick your tonsils." He turned his attention to another member of the team. "You, put some procedural posters or somethin' up. Make the place look pretty. Spray some of that air freshener about too. Birds love that kinda floral crap." He folded his arms across his chest, leaning against one of the desks. "I want your arrest sheets on my desk by dinner time. If you can't remember all the details, make it up. She'll be itching for any reason to shut us down. Don’t give her any reason. Don't let me down."

comm: mandalus, misc: application

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