Jan 04, 2009 19:23
Happy new year to anyone still reading.
I had the most amazing Xmas, we went to my mums and chilled out in the country. we then went for lots of walks with the dogs and I made large amounts of mulled wine. New years eve was good too. We went to Clemi's and played vodka jelly poker again, then vodka jelly jenga, then vodka jelly don't wake dad.
Clemi has a new boyfriend, well it been 6 months. He is 42 and they are madly in love. Its so odd seeing Clemi like this, she giggles and blushed, I have known her 15 years and never seen her like this. he is married but has left his wife, they had been married for 20 years.
I have just been reading about John Travolt's son. I hate him but OMG no one should have to bury their child.
My period is 3 days late, but I am 100% sure I'm not pregnant. I feel like I am about to get my period, I am bloated, I hate 100000000000 spots and am moody as hell. I wish my period would hurry up.