Jan 08, 2012 08:35
Er, so. It's been a week, and what novelty there was to watching things is rapidly wearing off. This is bizarre; I think Unboxed kind of ruined my enthusiasm for moving pictures.
I'm sure part of the problem is that there's nothing currently playing on theatres that I actually want to go see. (I love going to the movies; at least I used to. Who knows if that's still valid.) So far I've watched half the last season of Doctor Who (all at once, which was great, except for the bit where my head exploded), a few full episodes of Once Upon A Time (little known fact: Robert Carlyle actually owns the universe, but he mostly kind of uses it like a timeshare), a handful of YouTube videos (MST3K and Things Involving Ramin Karimloo, sadly not simultaneously), and then bits and pieces/stops and starts of British television. Mostly things I had already seen, but liked, and theoretically would want to watch again. Um. Nope.
I already had trouble keeping my attention on a full-length movie, before Unboxed. When watching things on my own, I would fast-forward anything I found boring. Watching with others, I wound up checking my watch and trying to figure out how much longer we had to go. Now, apparently, even a 45-minute TV show is testing the limits of my attention. How did that happen?