WOW....This was a shocker to hear, I thought my boss hated me!?

Jan 03, 2006 17:00

Ok, so i woke up today, and got a phone call from my boss, I was still sleeping but I managed to stay halfway awake to listen and talk to him. I guess last night, after work, The paperwork failed to go through the Fax Machine and didn't arrive at the office properly so I had to fax them again from my home. Well anyways, were talking and he asked if I had heard about the M.I.T program? Not knowing what it was at first in relation, he told me it was the Manager in Training program. This immediately raised my eyebrow as to why he was telling "ME" this, and this is why. Ever since he became my management, we rarely seen eye to eye, but I always completed my job with care and spoke the truth of matters which he respected, but I was always disagreeing with the way the company was being run. Lately, him and I have been on some better terms, but I guess, even though me and him argue like my father and I...."And OH YES, prepare to hear some of THOSE stories later!!!" he seems to think that I would make a good Manager, which just shocked the hell out of me, because, well, I thought this company HATED me, but I guess my recent butt kissing has paid off a bit. :)
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