Nov 20, 2007 18:13
My neurologist visit was yesterday. (I do too have a brain, Jen!)
I have an MRI scheduled for next Tuesday, and I have to have blood drawn for some tests on like my liver and kidneys and whatnot.
I have a shiny prescription for ONE Ativan (anyone ever taken one?) to take before the MRI, because I am extremely claustrophobic and already freaked out in the last MRI machine they tried to put me in. But apparently they REALLY REALLY want the MRI done at Baptist East, because it gives better pictures. And I agree that I want them to have the best possible pictures of my poor noggin so they can figure out what's wrong and treat it/stop it/etc. She told me not to feel bad if I can't do it, if I try and do it but can't, then I can go back by the doc's office and they will schedule me at an open MRI. But they really want the best pictures. Okay. I have a week to steel myself up for this. And it's only half an hour or so. On a sedative. I can probably do this.
She's also started me on Topamax, which is something my bosslady takes for migraines. It has the side effect of appetite suppressant and weight loss, so I am looking forward to those two side effects. Yes, I believe this makes me slightly pathetic. Hey, I am having horrible debilitating headaches, but at least the medication will cause me to lose a few unwanted pounds! Rock on!
She gave me two 'sample' pills of Imitrex, too, but last night I had a really bad bad nasty headache and I took one and it didn't do anything. I was told I *could* take the second, but I was afraid that it either wouldn't help or would cause some weirdo unwanted side effect. (Seriously, go look it up. I don't *knowingly* have any heart problems but that's some scary shit. I should never look up medicines on the internet. Never ever.)
I was up til about 4am. Seriously. Crying and scootching around on the bed. I got up at like, 2am and took a hot shower. And it didn't help this time. It doesn't usually 'cure' the headache, but it usually relaxes me enough while I'm in the shower to help me sleep. And it didn't help last night. Matt woke up like, three times, each time asking me if he could get me something. Bless his sleeping heart. He couldn't have done anything, and I was trying to sob quietly because he had to go to work in the morning. I finally got up and started to play around on the internets but then Charter farted and so I played Solitaire over and over and over and over again until my eyelids refused to stay open any longer, then went to bed and mercifully dropped off to sleep.
Solitaire is apparently a good insomnia cure. Even with the massive ohmyGodmyheadisgoingtofuckingexplode didanyonegetthenameoftheguywhohitmewithasledgehammer headache, it lulled me into a sleepy state. Thank you, Windows, for including Solitaire. (Freecell requires too much thinking, as does Spider Solitaire)
Bleh. My head still effin' hurts.
Today kinda sucked, too. I tried to sleep late, but the dogs (three of 'em, we have Lady here while Dad is visiting his brother for Thanksgiving) demanded bathroom privileges. So I got up to let them out, waited and let them back in, and then climbed back into bed. Switched the TV to mindless cartoons and was back in dreamland.
I got up around noon.
I noticed my bosslady had called and left a message this morning and so I called her back. I ran to the store for cereal, peanuts, macadamia nuts, and cigarettes (I needed something to eat.. and I refused to go to Wal Mart. Walgreens does not offer the same grocery choices as a supermarket would, but it was a lot faster.)
I was intending to go to the funeral of my friend's nana, but was unable to. My head just hasn't quit hurting at all today. I don't think I'm supposed to take narcotic pain relievers while on the Topamax (I only take it at night, though, this week.) so I'm kinda suffering. I may call the neurologist's office and ask her about it tomorrow. Or the pharmacist. Or the on-call docs at the E/R, whichever.
So, there. That is the up-to-date-edness on my head.