(no subject)

Aug 10, 2005 16:05

Okay, this is why I was pissed off. I have it cut due to length and content. Gets kind of scary in there, mostly due to me.

In case you're confused: This guy e-mails a friend of mine, ComplexelySimple, and makes some lewd comments about his girlfriend, Epsilon. CS wanted me and Jamie to help him flame out radiowave here. And this is the result.

radiowave4932 has entered the room.
Oni Meijin X: welcome
ComplexelySimple: Hey there.
radiowave4932: hi everyone:-D
sabbath midnight: yeah, er, hi
ComplexelySimple: Hey, you like Eplison, right...?
radiowave4932: i think Epsilon is mad sexy, not sure who eplison is though:-!
sabbath midnight: My, she really does have quite a few fanboys
ComplexelySimple: I know. I thought I was the only one.
Oni Meijin X: oh, at least 3
Oni Meijin X: and an ex-husband
Oni Meijin X: *coughs*
sabbath midnight: yeah, but you're mine now
Oni Meijin X: of course
sabbath midnight: *clings*
Oni Meijin X: *cuddles*
radiowave4932: hah, you guys are cute, but like I told Deucalion, 3 is better then 2;-)
Oni Meijin X: oh, we know...
sabbath midnight: indeed
ComplexelySimple: Why'd you wanna do that? Go off and have three. Diseases, man.
Oni Meijin X: only if you're not...selective with your third
radiowave4932: psh, if you can get it I've already had it, and speaking of that, you might wanna epsilon tested:-[
ComplexelySimple: What's her name, again? Not epslilon, I'm sure.
radiowave4932: no, that's why I didn't spell it like that:-)
ComplexelySimple: Yeah, yeah, who gives a fuck 'bout spelling mistakes. What's her name?
Oni Meijin X: so...wait; you've contracted every VD known to man?
Oni Meijin X: impressive
Oni Meijin X: and disturbing
ComplexelySimple: yeah...that is rather disturbing.
sabbath midnight: wouldn't you be, you know, dead?
radiowave4932: not yet, lucky for you eh;-)
ComplexelySimple: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. To have that many, and still wanna do it with a girl ya don't even know.
Oni Meijin X: or at least with numerous boils, sores, and pustules
sabbath midnight: ...ew
ComplexelySimple: ...yeah....
Oni Meijin X: in fact, your penis would probably be a fetid, rotting little black dangly thing
sabbath midnight: ........Trevor
sabbath midnight: just....ew
Oni Meijin X: ....gomen
sabbath midnight: there's a girl present
ComplexelySimple: There's civil people here.
Oni Meijin X: since when?
radiowave4932: i heard black was better anyhow
ComplexelySimple: not racial black. black as in, it's dead, necrophilite.
Oni Meijin X: yeah, but three-inches long and leaking an ugly greenish yellow fluid?
Oni Meijin X: ....okay, I'll stop
ComplexelySimple: ...Thank you.
sabbath midnight: .....................
sabbath midnight: guh
radiowave4932: that was pretty specific, were you looking down when you typed?
ComplexelySimple: *Hands Jay the puke bucket.*
Oni Meijin X: no, just a textbook
Oni Meijin X: I believe the disease is...idiocy
ComplexelySimple: yeah, but radio here might look for it under the "U' section...
Oni Meijin X: usually results in untimely death
radiowave4932: hmm, looks like it's contagious
ComplexelySimple: Do ya even know Epsilon?
Oni Meijin X: yeah, perhaps we should ship you off to an Idiot's-Colony
Oni Meijin X: I hear they have a big one in Texas
Oni Meijin X: it's called....Texas
radiowave4932: do you even know Epsilon?
Oni Meijin X: yes, we do
sabbath midnight: yup
radiowave4932: have you met in person?=-O
Oni Meijin X: yup
sabbath midnight: of course
ComplexelySimple: yeah, I'd like to think so, I've only known her a year or so...and let's see. So far you've insulted my friends 'ere, and asked if we know the person you're talking about. Real high in my book.
ComplexelySimple: And yeah, I've seen her in person. She doesn't live too far away.
radiowave4932: sexy eh?;-)
AltronWing04 has entered the room.
ComplexelySimple: well, you've seen her, right...?
AltronWing04: ...who's radiowave?
radiowave4932: muahaha, more ob people
radiowave4932: 8-)
Oni Meijin X: hey, Retri
radiowave4932: and yes, she is sexy, but I was asking what you thought
AltronWing04: Hey, ULX>
ComplexelySimple: Good to see ya, Al.
AltronWing04: So... who's radiowave?
sabbath midnight: Alex!
sabbath midnight: no idea
AltronWing04: ?
sabbath midnight: *high fives Alex*
AltronWing04: w00t!
AltronWing04: ^o^
AltronWing04: Team power!
sabbath midnight: Yeah!
radiowave4932: *puts penis between high five*
radiowave4932: w00t
ComplexelySimple: ...*Cuts it off.*
sabbath midnight: fucktard
Oni Meijin X: *nudges it into the incinerator with my shoe*
radiowave4932: don't worry Imi, it grows back, you'll have your fun
Oni Meijin X: there we go
ComplexelySimple: Just one rule. If I see your hoo hah, I'm cutting it off.
Oni Meijin X: oh, I know you didn't just say that...
AltronWing04: Radiowave... who are you?
AltronWing04: And why are you being such a bitch.
radiowave4932: you have to wait in line xion, imi, and then you
radiowave4932: be nice retri
Oni Meijin X: .....you wouldn't happen to know a guy named munkeyjurnyw3st, would you?
AltronWing04: I can only guess you're from OB, since you know our OB usernames and screen names.
sabbath midnight: yeah, he is
sabbath midnight: though how he knows who I am, I'm not sure
radiowave4932: no, but do monkey's journey west?
Oni Meijin X: occasionally
radiowave4932: *shakes head*
radiowave4932: wrong again xion
Oni Meijin X: especially when you're in the east
sabbath midnight: and they do if you know the legend of Saiyuki
sabbath midnight: *nods*
Oni Meijin X: that, too
ComplexelySimple: *nods.*
radiowave4932: you're a smart guy, just not smart enough you know, and apparently not so good in bed, *winks at imi*
AltronWing04: So what exactly was said?
sabbath midnight: ......
AltronWing04: Duke told me about something with Lei.
AltronWing04: That I'm not going to repeat.
sabbath midnight: I'll have you know he's the most amazing fuck in the world
sabbath midnight: and I'm sorry you had to here that, Retri
Oni Meijin X: thank you, love
sabbath midnight: hear*
sabbath midnight: wlecome
sabbath midnight: welcome*
AltronWing04: heh
AltronWing04: *awkward cough*
radiowave4932: well she said different last night...
AltronWing04: ...
ComplexelySimple: ...
Oni Meijin X: last night, she was with me
Oni Meijin X: although you're lucky to have such a pretty sister
ComplexelySimple: ah, radio...your mother's name isn't Imi, right?
sabbath midnight: ....
ComplexelySimple: No guys, wait. It was his hand, that's right. His left one, I think.
Oni Meijin X: ah, that sounds about right
radiowave4932: *smells fingers* no, the right pleasured imi, not the left
sabbath midnight: .......
sabbath midnight: fuck you
sabbath midnight: just, fuck you
AltronWing04: >_>

God...my hands were shaking during some of that, and I'm sure you can see why. If anyone thinks I was out of line or something, let me know. I kind of went crazy in there. Sorry if you're all...disturbed and/or grossed out, now.
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