Italy's Christmas Present~

Dec 31, 2009 18:00



8D So.

Heads up: There's a break in the Spain/Mano part. I'll fix that later and show you ;;;¤t=ICP_0001.flv

You can ask for the files once I figure out how to share them. ;u; I don't know why you'd want the files, now that I think about it- I'm starting to see how worthless a gift this can be. I'm so lucky I decided to write a little tid-bit as well but it still doesn't feel like it's enough. I tried to draw you stuff but it always came out so sloppy in the end- so I'll figure out something. XD


“ Germany, Germany- look~! “

Germany grimaced with little actual irritation, still fishing around for the camera that he was sure he’d taken with him. Another whistle keened- whipping through the air and his senses.  For a moment he thought- more remembered - that it was the whistle of something else that would fly in the air, breaking through it, before but not now. But it wasn’t that, and he shouldn’t remember things like that today. “ Lower your voice, Italy.”

Japan smiled, Germany could hear, and the whistle faded upward into temporary silence. “ No one can hear us now, he’s fine.” Italy chimed in with a “ Right!” just as the silence exploded once more in the sky. With it colors, so many colors, crawled onto everything and Germany cursed. The colors, this one must have been green, crept away again as the fire in the sky simmered.

Italy let out a “ Ohhhh.” Germany had missed one again. He pushed another object out of the way, squinting into the bag Japan had brought with them through the dark of the night despite the many lights surrounding them. He was sure he had put it in the bag, right under the blanket to sit on. Normally, he wouldn’t be upset about not being able to take a picture of fireworks. He’s seen many explosions in the sky, many fireworks. There would, and will, be more- on another day.

But not today, they ( they being Italy and himself ) rarely were able to visit Japan on the days of his festivals. With holiday’s of their own, in Italy’s case, and the ever changing yearly festival schedule that Japan and most of the other East-Asian nations have- it was hard to set it all up.

The sound of shuffling told him that Italy had gone back to sit on said blanket with Japan, sighing happily. He really had been glad to see this. “ So beautiful. I’m glad I got to see it again. “ Italy has seen just as many fireworks as him, but as Germany said earlier, that’s not why they were here.

Germany glanced up from the bag in time to see Japan nod in agreement- he was smiling with Italy, as Germany had thought. He seems happy that they were able to come to the festival this year as well. “ It is fortunate that it rained on the fifth. “

They all fell silent as a group of kids, a good ways in front of them, cheered. The people with the fireworks were setting up another big batch. Germany turned back to the bag hastily while Italy continued.

“ Right~. It’s a shame, though, that we hadn’t known ahead of time. You might have been able to fly in and see Festa della Madonna della Neve with me. It always seems so much like snow. “

The crowd of people hushed eagerly- as if thinking that if they spoke, they wouldn’t hear the explosion- just as Germany gave up, setting the bag down. He turned back around and sat beside Italy- Japan on the other side. “ Sorry, “ he said this with a sigh. “ Forgot the camera.”

Japan leaned forward to give Germany a consoling look. “ It’s fine, I should have brought my own. I see this every year, so I never need to.”

Now everyone was silent, even them, as the whistling started. Everyone’s eyes followed the several fires in the sky, climbing up although it looked more like along the sky- some simmering and letting sparks with little whistle at all while other’s screamed loudly, so very loudly. The explosions set off at different times but it was fine, because it felt like it was at one time.

The people cheered and it was nice- a nice moment. They didn’t speak for awhile until Italy laughed causing Germany to look to him again.

He was smiling ( he was always smiling) and he wasn’t looking away from the lights in the sky. The colors had crept up to their faces and eyes- the red making Italy look brighter somehow. “ I’ll remember this, since it’ll be awhile until we get a lucky break again- so I’ll paint it for you when we get back”

Germany looked away quickly, just as the fireworks started falling back as small scraps of what they once were. They waited for the children to start cheering again in silence.


The holiday that Italy and Japan are referring to ( Obon and Festa della Madonna della Neve ) are sorta on the same date- Obon's fireoworks day is on the fifth of August and Festa della Madonna della Neve is also. So they probably don't get to see either of each other's holiday celebrations very often. I'm not even sure if the nations would fly over to see someone else's holiday that often at all- seeing how Obon is a buddhist celebration for ancestors and Festa della Madonna della Neve takes place at one of Italy's churches. But I'll just pretend that they would/could.

I'm such a sap- I hope you don't mind slice-of-life fics. It's the only thing I can decently write ;

So ya. Merry Christmas dear~ >u< <33333333333ilu

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