Jak was one of those typical Fandom kids who heard 'smoke!' and thought 'let's go quell a fire!'.
Or something. Symbolic talk wasn't really Jak's strong suit. What was, though, was taking out bad stuff. And the fog was definitely bad stuff. Sure, he could've taken a hint from radio last night and realised that maybe heading out into the smoke wasn
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. . . some reason that had her wandering into this particular patch of the grounds and reaching out in the Force to see if anyone was around. If so, she wasn't sensing it with the usual clarity -- just a vague, staticky awareness. Just like her Vongsense, actually.
And that didn't make any sense, but . . .
"Bos sos si?" Tahiri called out in the fog anyway.
Jak slammed the Blaster barrel in place with a reflexive grace. The laser aim sprung to life, cutting a red swat of red light through the fog.
The dark eco in him kept crackling, though, as if drawn to something in the air. It made it harder for him to focus, his emotions coaxed into a slow boil.
Where was it?
There -- red light, too focused to be natural, generated by some kind of made-thing device. Her attention snapped in that direction, and she peered futilely into the murk for its source, one hand dropping to the lightsaber hilt at her belt.
"Qe'u!" If that had come out intelligibly at all, the implication of Hey, you there! would be clear enough.
Jak was holding his fire.
For how long, though... "Come out of the fog!" he growled. When he closed his eyes for a second to clear them, he saw violet.
The ice-blue glow of the blade normally cut through fog more effectively than this.
Switching to Basic, she took one stride forward, following the beam, then another, and called out, "You do know you've given yourself away now, don't you?"
Especially not with that soft hum of eco (was it eco? It didn't feel like eco, but it was too far away to tell) cutting through the darkness. Whatever it was was armed. He could make out.. contours? Of sharp edges, four legs--
Without even thinking about it, he let his reflexes kick in, pulled the trigger, firing four precise bolts of clear yellow eco in her general direction.
Snarling a sharp Tusken curse under her breath she brought her lightsaber blade up to intercept the first bolt and felt the second and third whiz just over her head as she deactivated the blade and dove into a forward roll. The fuzzy presence was somewhere in front of her, still imprecise and hard to pinpoint in her Force-sense, or her Vongsense, whichever it was, but if she squinted through the fog it looked almost reptilian. Like a rancor? Only smaller.
Flinging her left hand out, she exerted a mostly blind Force tug in the general direction of the creature.
Suddenly he saw the fog spread out above him, the back of his head aching like someone had slammed a rock into it. Pain sparked off his already barely-contained reserves, and he was seeing violet again-- violet, violent anger, sparking off of him as his skin began to bleach white like the clouds.
His back dragged over the floor, but he didn't feel it any more.
[[ next one for a furnaceface! ]]
He wasn't going to make it that far, apparently, before the itch turned into a full-on throb, a familiar resonance that he'd only been around to witness a couple of times before. His bandages were torn from his face before he could so much as think about it, and his feet were hitting the ground at a run.
//Jak!// And somebody else. Oh. Oh, bloody hell, they were going to kill one another, weren't they? //Both of yer, stop it!//
Because reasoning worked so very well last night when Didi was freaking out at him. Right.
"Stay out of this," she snapped, and she should be calming herself, not giving in to the battle rush, but it was so easy and right now it was the best thing to do so the lightsaber was up over her head in a two-handed grip and she was jumping --
//Can't stay out of it,// he replied, sounding a little more sharp-edged than even he was used to hearing from himself. //Yer about t'kill my friend.//
Or the other way around.
Toward Jak, he didn't project a voice at all. To the both of them, instead of words, there was just a wave of wrong, as though he was gathering up every ounce of that uneasy feeling the island itself had been throwing at him, and now he was giving it light and focus and trying, trying like hell to convince the both of them to at least stop and take a moment to blink.
Sort of like the psionic equivalent of a rolled-up newspaper.
"Kriffing hells?" she bit out, gaze darting between Jak and Jono, not quite looking yet like she was ready to stand down -- just momentarily distracted.
A moment might be enough.
He paused in place, wavering, his skin flickering pink, then white, then pink again. "...Jono...?"
He'd get around to learning the names of people once he was certain that they weren't going to chop one another into messy bits.
//Please don't kill one another. It'd send my day straight to hell, yer know?//
If he sounded a little like he was begging, what of it? The fire that was creeping up around him tinted to a mellow shade of blue, and he pointed between them. //Gel. Boy. No... monkeys or little horses or whatever th'hell yer seein', here. Now stop acting like complete bloody lunatics, th'both of yer, and get yer arses indoors out of this fog like sensible people before I grab yer both by th'ears and march yer inside myself.//
It wasn't working as well as usual, but Tahiri tried a basic Jedi technique to clear her mind. "You're sure," she began, darting an uncertain look back toward Jak. She still thought he might be something else, but it was getting harder to tell, and maybe getting in out of the fog would help.
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