Dec 19, 2009 08:27
So it was break time at last! Jak was a little of two minds - he did like it down here, but home was home, and it'd been way too long since he went there by himself. It wasn't like he wasn't coming back in a week or anything, anyway, so he didn't have to miss much.
As a last goodbye kind of thing, he'd turned on the radio, playing loud Christmas music (he hadn't gotten to the point where he could exactly identify the songs by name, or anything).
And now he was packing. Not that Jak had much, but what he did have had doubled or tripled while he was here, so there were new bags that needed to be stuffed with stuff.
And Beaver Buzz. Also important.
Someone might have to tell Jak that if he was coming back, he didn't need to pack everything.
[[ last call before canon catchup! ... or, you know, door open, post open. ]]
what: packing,
where: room 408