Fin Again (19 months)

Jul 19, 2011 00:01

Fin has had a language EXPLOSION. It's so cute! He picked up a piece of paper off of the floor and handed it to Parker saying, "Chash". He also can say "Bokuh" now... and points to dogs when he sees them, calling them that. He'll also stand at the door and call out to the real Bokuh, too. He can say "book" (and actually knows what it is). Seems to consistently say SOME form of each of his siblings names (though they're not always the clearest). And even though he's said "nana" already, now he's on FIAH with it. "NaNaaaaaa!!!" Yelling it as she comes in, or if he's standing on the back porch calling out toward her house. There are others... but you get the picture. Just lots more communication. Still, his favorite word is "help". We probably hear it 100 times a day. Rarely for moments of peril.


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