Dec 22, 2011 15:37
I'm not one for the holidays. Days that many other people consider special really don't mean anything to me. My birthday is included among those holidays.
Really, all I've done in the last few years for Christmas is get mind numbingly drunk.
That is one thing I enjoy doing. Getting so inebriated that when I go to sleep, I wake up as such the next morning.
Usually, that makes a start of a good range day for me...
I don't really get excited for anything anymore.
It's difficult to describe. It's as if I am expecting everything at all times.
During my last deployment, we encountered many incidents that were a close call. I can remember how horrified I was at times.
But now, It's just "meh". I don't really care about anything. I don't really know anyone besides the few people I have met through working in the EMS shop.
Then again, I've always kept my circle of trust rather small...
Whenever I contemplate about what I'll be doing after all of this...
I just can't. I don't know if it's because I'm so institutionalized or if it's because I'm not concerned by it. I've always joked that I would just OD in a ditch somewhere. Nothing really bothers me anymore. Well, except for the lack of alcoholic beverages available here. None alcohol tends to make me rather miserable...
The prospect of going to school doesn't sound horrible. All the young people nowadays seem to do that.
I suppose I could take one of those contractor jobs that I've been offered...
I guess it depends on what happens when I'm finally out...