Oct 21, 2004 18:55
Today at SHSU my friend and I(KATY) helped to take our beds down so shes no longer scraping her scalp across the ceiling when she breathes?...and then we watched the polterguist. And then we watched the movie the poterguist. REmember when kids in school use to read sentences like: sally walked the dog. They'd say :sally...the... boaconstrictors face; or somthing that had nothing to do with the subject at hand? YOu would think to yourself hey, I wonder what story there reading it sounds damn more interesting then this dr.seuss shit.
Actually I miss those kids,they always made class joyfully observable. I even rememeber I would try to not mock but not mimic...maybe thats why I was never asked to be in the accelerated reading class? To busy mirroring the reading disabled not trying to be an ass but inadverntly arriving at that juncture. Hmmm? Well karma is your marma...momma?
AHHHHHHH I LOVE all you adorable pieces of fieces!!!!!(lil shits)