I'll Love You Long After You're Gone

Nov 23, 2014 12:29

First set of Merlin Recs  that I've promised I would post (sorry for the belatedness! asya_ana)

(not going to lie, these are of course for the most part the usual suspects :)

Streaking, Two Boys by malu_3 (M/A, 754, NC-17, modern!AU)
"Sunlight stings Merlin's eyes, washes over Arthur. Golden head, pale muscled back-bottom-thighs, tan calves, the flashing pink soles of his feet - Arthur stings Merlin's eyes. He's the stark, impossible answer to questions asked earlier. 'Who's the prettiest, do you reckon? Anyone you fancy?'"
This was one of my favorite entries to come out of pthon this year.  Beautiful prose, imagery you can taste, and as always scorching hot, all tossed to in a jar to make this incredibly sweet fic.  I'm still hung up over the playfulness and sweetness of this fic that captures youth, summer days, pining, and a little bit of happy ending.

Kiss My Name by emjayelle (M/A, 1050, NC-17, modern!AU)
“Hi,” Merlin says as he looks in the mirror-stretches his lips until his cheeks hurt, his teeth show-until he has as convincing a smile as he can make it. “Hi, my name’s Michael Emerson.”
Another one of my favorites out of pthon.  The writing conveys so much (there's so much implicit backstory) with so few words.  So many great details, brilliant world-building, and the belief that the reader is smart enough to fill in the blanks. It's heartbreaking, but maybe a little bit hopeful as well.

Have I found you flightless bird or lost you? by incoherenttruth (M/A, ~1300, PG-13, canon!AU)
"Have I found you flightless bird (grounded, bleeding) or lost you?"
First off, thank you merlin_hotrecs for reccing this! Also, this just might be the first Merlin fic I read on tumblr.  Written for deheerkonijn 's lovely (well heart-breaking is probably more accurate), this little fic is wonderfully angsty depicting the scenario if Merlin got injured for Arthur instead and is dying.  I love angst so this is right up my alley, but it felt surprisingly in character for me.  Merlin's sacrifice and Arthur's unwillingness to believe that Merlin's about to be gone rang true.  Won't spoil the ending, but definitely worth a read!

Duck-Apple by malu_3 (M/A, ~5200, NC-17, canon!AU)
"Come Samhain, the remaining High Priestesses of the Old Religion conspire to see that Emrys and the High King of Albion finally get their due. (Or, the one where Arthur bobs for cockapples..."
This was posted at tavern_tales (which I admit I haven't kept up with at all but there's so much great fanwork being posted there).  But this fic!  It's naughty and awkward, sweet and steadfast like any great M/A story.  The idea is a bit crazy, but the execution and storytelling is so lovely and even with the more naughtier side is full of so much of heart. I loved how well Malu captured both Merlin and Arthur's insecurities, but also both the depth of their love and the playfulness of their relationship.  I think it's sometimes hard to balance those aspects, but Malu does a great job because these boys, I want all the happy things for them :)

I probably will have another post of recs soonish...I hope anyways.  Have you all been reading Merlin as of late?  Anything catch your eye?

recs: merlin, fandom: merlin

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