I may have eaten three (!) vanilla cupcakes yesterday and I was feeling guilty but you know what, it's been one of those weeks and I'm going to the gym today anyway...(at least that's what I tell myself). Also I've started watching Breaking Bad---I have thoughts---they just aren't coherent yet.
EEEE! I get to see Captain America 2 today! Funny thing was, I wasn't excited until I was? Mostly because I'm going to go see it for everyone else 'cept the titular character? So I've been avoiding tumblr all week to avoid spoilers.
Randomly, I've been thinking about archival redundancy a lot recently and whether or not it's problematic that fandom as a whole has/is starting to put all it's eggs in one basket, namely AO3. Skyehawke was down for a couple of days and there was a mention of shifting things to AO3, which comes up a lot in fandom archival conversation lately--- and I know a lot of older archives have been shifted to AO3 and I'm happy that they are being archived, especially to a place with a great interface and the ability to ebook. It's just that fandom seems a hundred percent sure AO3 will never have any issues. And that I think will be interesting to see how it all pans out in the long run I guess. I mean it seems no one archives outside of AO3 as much these days---'cept maybe over at FFN? Maybe I'm wrong about this? And I'm just being rebellious with(out) a cause....and I'm probably being way too paranoid about not having backup contingency plans I know...
Also, I've been feeling antsy lately and while some writing has been done---I've been reading a lot of non-Merlin fic lately. I really want to read some Loki fic---comics preferred but I'm open to MCU as well---please rec me your favorites!
ETA: I've been meaning to rec this for a while:
Bond of Honor by Meri (Éomer/Haldir, 24494, NC-17, Lord of the Rings)
Two of my favorite characters in the trilogy using one of my favorite tropes, soulbond---how could I not love this story? Éomer out of compassion saves Haldir's life by a healing bond performed by Aragorn with unintended consequences. I really liked the style and just how things develop between them. The author manages to capture Haldir and Éomer's ages, as well as the difficulties navigating the bond wonderfully. And this line "No one else shall have what should rightfully be yours"---it made my greedy possessive heart happy okay?
And afterwards I started imagining a fic where Merlin inadvertently uses his magic that forms a healing bond between him and Arthur---as ever I'm a hopeless case...