The Quick Footed Passage of Time

Jan 25, 2014 11:20

Food poisoning---and the usual craziness at work---who else is looking forward to the weekend? (And I totally meant to post this yesterday morning)

I wanted to signal boost a whole bunch of things---upcoming fests/challenges signups:

Beyond Panels: A Comics Fanwork Exchange
fic & art | all comics welcome
nominations Jan 10 | sign-ups Jan 23 till Feb 2
A03 | LJ | DW

I am so so excited about this Comics Exchange.  *Heart in Eyes*

Porn Battle XV: The Ides of Porn
Prompting: Jan 21- Jan 26
Battle: Feb 2- Feb 13th
Main Site | AO3
Prompt on LJ | DW

I'm hoping for scorching hot PG-13 fics in the mix (because they do exist right?  I know it's Porn Battle and all, but I want all the sexy fic without the explicitness--and well with it too ;)

Merlin Art Fest 2014: Round Two
Prompting Just Ended
Claiming: Today! Jan 25th 730pm GMT

I for one am excited for all the amazing artwork :)  *cheers*

Untold Legends: Merlin Rarepair Fest
Prompt List and Revised Schedule Here
FAQ and Rules Here
Posting Date Claim: March 29th
Posting Begins: April 6th
LJ | AO3 | Tumblr

I am super excited about writing for this one---I only hope I have time to work on it.  I have an interesting idea for a historical!AU with Elena/Mithian or a possible canon!AU with Gwaine/Percival--but we shall see...

After Camlann: Merlin Big Bang
aftercamlann presents a new Big Bang challenge for 2014.
Sharpen your pencils, wet your brushes and adjust your seats as we are bringing you to a wholly new adventure!
Sign ups starting on February 1st.
LJ | Tumblr
*Cheers on all the people doing this from the sidelines*

Stares cross-eyed at computer---there are a couple more things I want to signal boost but I'll save it for this weekend yeah?

So I've been debating on how I wanted to rec in the foreseeable future...tumblr is a strong possibility but I was hoping to do something on LJ as well--something a bit silly---"Pocketful of Recs Friday." It might just be one rec or a whole bunch and at the moment at least it'll mostly be Merlin though I'll try to throw out recs from other fandoms as well. I'm going to try to make it a weekly thing but we all know how I am with deadlines...

Some glomp_fest recs :

Mapping the Distance by emjayelle (M/A, 4500, NC-17, modern!AU)
There's a lot I could say about MJ's writing (amazing characterization, a deft hand with poetic details, fantastic at creating mood and setting, how effortlessly real her fics are yet always with a touch of sweetness) and there's a lot I want to say about this fic (the vivid imagery, always amazing details, the lovely moments).  The fact that Arthur is an art historian, that Merlin's a musician (cellist!)---that there's an age difference between them.  But it's more than that, it's about falling for someone you're not sure you're quite suppose to, the moments of quietness that fills with achy desire, where one loves in music and one sees loves---the details in that picture.  And really it's about growing up and allowing yourself to fall and that maybe it was never about age but something else.  It's a wonderful fic---on a side note, I love when writers take consideration of the mood and pacing, both which I thought were super effective here :)

The Coming of Spring by ingberry/xfortytwo (M/A, 9746, NC-17, canon/canon!AU--divergent S4)
I love pining fics, especially when it's a pining!Arthur whose a bit possessive.  But besides the lovely characterizations there are some great lines and wonderful description in this fic.  Some of the scenes where Arthur is thinking about a drunk Merlin (I loved how possessive Arthur was of the time he had when it was just him and Merlin sitting in his room drinking from the wineskin---some really lovely lines) to Arthur having to deal with the tournament as a king versus what he was used to are well-written and just so vivid.  Also Arthur struggling to figure out in general what it means to be king was great because the show really didn't go into detail.  And that part where Arthur realizes he loves Merlin was absolutely perfect---just the sheer intensity of what Arthur feels for Merlin is kind of breathtaking.  Also CANON FIC FTW :)

For Starters by Grainne/malu_3 (M/A, 15723, PG-13, modern!AU)
So I've never read anything by malu_3 until their fantastic fills for alby_mangroves' Arthurversary Comment Fest (which I still want to do a fill and if you haven't checked it out, there are awesome fills :)  And while I was hesitant about a certain tag (age difference where a really young Merlin crushes on an older Arthur), I really enjoyed their writing so took the leap.  Don't let the tag scare you, because it's a sweet childhood crush for Merlin and Arthur only sees Merlin like a kid brother until they meet again when they are both adults.  And it was a wonderful read, with a great Merlin voice.  As I told the author, the way memories of each other lingered for both of them in different ways so lovely and realistic.  And I absolutely adore stories about first loves and second chances which is a huge part of this story.  Also---even though it's from Merlin's POV, Arthur's conflict about being interested in Merlin and his own sexuality comes across without being blatantly told and that is always I think difficult as an author to do and one that is done so well here.  (Now I just need to go read everything else they've written :)

For Every Hand is Lunatic by lostlenore/tu_es_mi_amour (M/A, 22 notes, PG, modern!magical AU)
This was a super adorable and very much a creative read.  I was really impressed at how much of the story was conveyed with so few words.  And how well both Merlin and Arthur's voices were captured.  Just really sweet and cute and now I really am craving a fic for this 'verse :)

More recs coming soon---after I get some sleep and maybe catchup on the flist and things :)

recs: merlin, signal boost

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