❧ (ooc) Permissions

Jan 26, 2011 05:17


How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?
I almost always love it!  Things like "you're a fictional character" are a little more iffy.
 Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?
How do you feel about threadjacking?
I don't mind so long as the subject at hand isn't a serious one. If it's silly and the like or relaxed feel free, people barge in all the time. On Memes? Pah don't even ask just do.
What about spamming your posts?
I love spam!
How about sudden action threads? You post an entry, and a character starts an [action] thread, apparently knowing where your character is somehow, or just randomly bumping into them. In some cases it might be realistic (if they're roommates, for instance), but should they ask first?:
I can't think of a single time I don't want this, and if I don't, there will be a note in the post. I love action threads~!
Just feel free to assume! Especially those in his house!


Natsuno Yuuki/Koide
結城/小出 夏野

Natsuno hates being called, 'Natsuno' mostly because it's a Japanese name usually given to girls. Some people get away with calling him by it though, like his best friend, though this was probably more due to Natsuno simply giving up on yelling at Tohru to stop calling him by it.

Megumi(his undead-stalker fan girl) has a habit of calling him Yuuki-kun, probably as a means to appease his wishes. Though he'd rather her not know it at all.
What species is your character?
Jinrou, this is also labeled in his canon as a 'werewolf'.

✞ They're not related to the general European 'idea' of Werewolves in the slightest. They do not share any canine genes.

✞ The best way to describe the term is as a 'status' of sorts. Shiki basically equal stereotypical vampires, however when they feed off a human to the point of that human's death-- there's a very very very rare chance (Like 3% chance) that person won't become a Shiki, but a Werewolf instead.

✞ The major difference of Werewolves compared to Shiki is the fact, a person who turned into a werewolf never reached death unlike Shiki (Vampires) they were very close to death (So much that people can even mistake them as dead). This fact alone is what gives Werewolves their major 'powers' or I should say, immunities.

✞ Unlike the Shiki werewolves can walk within sunlight and don't get suddenly exhausted around sun rise. They also are not held back by the strange 'rule' that a Shiki cannot enter a house when they were not welcomed by those who live there. A Werewolf is basically human only-- they're major 'god moders'- like the Shiki they heal incredibly fast, even if their bones are broken, main arteries cut-- swallow poison or even have air injected into their veins--- it doesn't phase them. They can feel the pain of being physically hurt- they just can't die from it USUALLY.  I say usually because in recent developments one werewolf was (insinuated thus far) killed by two shot gun rounds into the head. (though we aren't positive she's dead as the next chapter hasn't shown up to confirm it).

✞ Unlike Shiki, werewolves don't NEED to drink the blood of the living, they can-- and it helps them become even stronger if they do, but they don't have to do it to survive. They can eat normal food just like any human. If they drink blood of a human they also can hypnotize that human much like any Shiki.

✞ They have heightened senses, like the Shiki can see in the dark, Werewolves have a one up on that as they have an even better sense of smell to go along with their night vision. Their sniffer is so strong they can tell simply by being in the room of a dead body that was killed by a Shiki if- and when that person will rise up.

✞ To sum it up, Werewolves are Shiki, without the restraints of being a Shiki and with all the perks of being a Shiki, so all in all they are big fat cheaters. Thank goodness Natsuno isn't someone who wants to embrace what he is.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc. that other characters might be able to sense?
Yes. His blood is very much alive like any humans, but it's laced with the same blood Shiki (vampires) tend to have, but this Shiki 'virus' feeds off his own blood and his body can continue to make blood for that virus to feed off adequately.  So his blood is human living happy blood-- laced with a 'un-dead' virus.
What does your character's soul look like?
A dull dark indistinguishable color. Rather heavy. It's burdened by many things.
Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?
Sure, he's got nothing magical blocking it. But it might just read as a typical human soul considering he never died.
Does your character have any abilities that other characters may be able to somehow sense?
The bracelet kinda hinders most of the abilities, then again he doesn't drink human blood which would infuse him with the strength he needs to be considered anything but human. But there is something odd in his blood, if your character can sense or smell that anomaly, feel free to do so. He comes across as human but something very very odd along side it that isn't quiet 'alive'.
Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?
Can your characters thoughts be read? Only surface thoughts? Are characters free to dig into tragic pasts and hidden secrets? Or will they only know what they are thinking at the exact moment their thoughts are being read?
Yep feel free to read them, but they're kinda cold and detached thoughts, oh and depressing considering his goals. He won't realize it unless you're staring at him unblinking, but then he'll think you're incredibly creepy and probably make himself scarce.
Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?
Yes! …I wouldn't recommend it though, Natsuno will probably take offense and highly dislike anyone in his head, even if it's just a voice.
Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?
Yup! If it's something super serious or… plot-y or something, check first, but 99% of the time it's fine.
Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?
Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions?
You might need magic to do it, Natsuno is pretty good at holding the whole line face look pretty well. Or looking generally pissed off at all times.
Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?
Of the magical sort? Nope.
Can your character be mind controlled?
Ask first, but probably yes! (It may or may not have happened in canon).


Is he a capable fighter?
Not at all. Nope. Not even slightly. He's quick on his feet but that's just about it. Most of his 'fighting' deals with heavy planning and being sneaky and moving about behind the scenes. But get him out into the open, and cornered, and he's pretty much like any normal high schooler. He can take a bit of a beating though considering what he is.
Can I punch/stab/shoot/hit with a car/hurt him in general?
Yup! Just check with me first, since he'll want to fight/flee.
Can I kill him?
…Maybe. Depends, plotting is a must of course, it's also not that hard to kill him.
In terms of wining or losing, where you would rather they stand?
It really depends on the situation and what's going on. I have no personal preference.
Can we just fade to black and assume what happened?
Sure! Just so long as everything is hashed out first.


So, can I fall in love with him?
Yes! Does not of course mean he will love you back, after all he's in a very fixed state of mind currently that revolves around keeping ties severed from him.
Can I hit it?
Yes! …Well, okay, no. Well it's highly unlikely, and risky considering he's 17 and thus deemed under-aged and it's considered illegal. But with plot anything can happen. Then again eventually he'll be old enough.
Can I kiss him?
Sure! Go ahead and attempt it. Be prepared to be punched in retaliation.
What's his orientation anyway?
…Well, he is pretty fixed on the idea he is going to die soon, so asexual? He never shows any interest in any gender. Besides showing a intense hatred for an attractive stylish girl who has a crush on him. Then again he has had some pretty 'homo' moments in his canon regarding his best friend, but I won't over embellish it beyond a really really strong friendship. At least not outside my head anyway.
Are you willing to play out relationships?
Very much so! But like I said, Natsuno's currently in the mindset that he's going to end his life and getting close to people would probably hinder that. Get past his outer antisocial 'asshole' shell and, maybe, just maybe.


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