Establishment vs Free Exercise

Feb 10, 2012 10:20

Remember the old adage, "Your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins"?

Well this is really, really simple.

Your right to free exercise of religion ends where MY rights begin.

Believe what you like.  But nobody's forcing you to run (or work in) a restaurant.  If you do, and your religion tells you not to serve black people, then tough.  THEY have rights, too.

Believe what you like.  But nobody's forcing you to run (or work in) a pharmacy.  If you do, and your religion tells you not to provide "morning after pills" to customers with prescriptions, then tough.  THEY have rights, too.

Believe what you like.  If YOU want to pray in school or court, go for it!  QUIETLY.  But don't demand that everyone stop, and join in or be ostracized.  Other people have the right to go about THEIR business, too.

Believe what you like.  But if you run a business above a certain size, you have to offer health insurance.  And health insurance is now required to cover contraception.  You don't have to use it yourself.  But you don't get to impose your beliefs on your employees.  So long as they're not using contraception while on the job (and if they are, you have bigger problems), then what they pay and what they use in their own time is THEIR business.

See how this works?  You have free exercise, but not establishment.  You have rights, but so does everyone else.



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