Jan 22, 2005 20:11
`He Could Be That Boy..
weeeeeeeeeell..today sucked thats all i have to say
i was supposed to hang out with mike but that didnt
happen and theirs like a storm or whatever.. lately
ive been in just such a bad mood i don`t know all my
"old habits" are like calling to me. most are back
wonderful just wonderful =\ i spent the wholeee day
thinking about how you don`t love me or care enough.
about how secretly everyone like hates me and shit
so..yeah today sucked*i also decided against somthing
because i just dont know it seems like a bad idea =\
one of my friends is mad at me- but yah im just like
letting her get her anger out then ill talk to her =[
yeah mike i neeed to talk to you very baadly.. yah lol
uhm i changed my layout because i was bored` i love u
oh yah last night was the last show of nightmare before
christmas. it went well i miss everyone. then the diner
was fun- i touched the waiters tie he held me hand i got
a hug.funness..yah uhm thats all i remember really? <\33
But I`m Not That Girl <\33