Jul 03, 2006 16:58
SO ..
I got of work super early today . we were done seeing patiens at like 3:30 I left at 3:30 . Dr.Ehmer rocks !
I have been having weird dreams again. dreams about being Pregnate and such, I should look up what those mean in my Dream book ..
" a New area of your potential or personality developing..."
apparently I am growing .. I haven't seen it yet but whatever.
I hate 4th of July ... sevral reasons.. mostly because I hate fire works . guess what is happening tonite... fireworks across from my house. I am not excited. I hate that noise with a Passion.. reminda me of gun shots or somthing .
There is a carnival close to my house . Makes me Miss Ariel . remember when we went to Hooters and then went to that carnival ? fun stuff. I think I still have my rose somewhere .
baby your my favorite state of mind ...