May 13, 2006 18:16
Im starting to feel weird again .
I don't know what my deal is . I don't know if I am doing it to myself , or I am taking on to much to fast , or if I am just not feeling well .
I don't know
all I know is I don't feel like the person I know I am . I am not thinking like the person I know I am .
I am so scared .
I am so scared that there is somthing really wrong with me . I am scared it is somthing that can't be fixed . I am scared it is somthing that will make other treat me diffrently . If anyone knows me they know that I am not one that wants special treatment .. of any kind . for any reason . ..
I just don't feel right .
they give me meds and the meds make me feel ok for a little while but then they start making me feel fuzzy . I feel like I am walking in a haze. I feel so shut off . I feel so suclueded (sp?) I feel so traped .