I have a fancy art meme coming soon, and a post about school, AND a post about moving.
i. Dirty Talk. The filthiest, most pornographic talk you can imagine. If you're not blushing while writing it, it's not dirty enough.
ii. Formal Wear. Any formal wear. Yum. More specifically, when it gets messy and disheveled and dirty. But it doesn't have to be porn! It can just be formal wear.
iii. Banter. Is this even a kink? Whatever, it so it. Witty back-and-forth for the win.
iv. Rough Sex. Self explanatory.
v. Rimming. There, I said. It totally hits my buttons.
The Fandoms&Pairings:
+ Leverage: Eliot/Parker/Hardison and any combination thereof, Nate/Sophie, Nate/Maggie/Sterling, Eliot/Hardison/Quinn (because why not).
+ Community: Troy/Annie/Abed and any combination thereof, Jeff/Britta, Chang/Dean Pelton.
+ Supernatural: Dean/Sam/Castiel/Gabriel and any combination thereof. No really, any combination. Dean/Bela, Sam/Ruby.
+ Avengers (movie 'verse or Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but let's be honest, I'll make up my own backstory if I need to): Come at me, bro. I ain't picky. And Jan/Hulk. Oh, caveat -- I can only tolerate Loki in a pairing if it's Loki/Thor.
+ The Office (US): Jim/Ryan, Jim/Dwight, Kelly/Ryan, Andy/Erin.
+ Battlestar Galatica: Helo/anyone, Starbuck/anyone, Gaius/anyone.
+ Harry Potter: Weasleycest. Any of it, again, I ain't picky.
+ Doctor Who: Jack/The Doctor (any Doctor), Martha/anyone, Rory/anyone, Jack/anyone.
The Ones I Wrote:
Bowties Are Cool! Pepper/Thor (Avengers), formal wear, kissing.