how is this the only cat icon i have? BOSS.

Aug 26, 2011 14:03

Something to this effect was going around on one of the communities I lurk in.

Dear Diary,

Today was a long one. It's still really hot in here, so I did basically nothing. I slept on the back of the chair while The Girl used her magic flashy machine to make a lot of noise. When she got up to feed the little box creatures, I followed her because I like to eat the bugs she drops sometimes. Then I bit her legs because she didn't drop any.

I found out this summer that it's really fun to sleep on my back with all four feet in the air like a crazy freak, so I've been practicing this move in every awkward place in the apartment.

Food dish is full again, have to go stand by it and scream until The Girl pets me so I can eat while simultaneously annoying the shit out of her.


Dear Diary,

Day 144 with The New Girl and the fat one. Still have not figured out how to get to the delicious creature in the glass box. The top seems to come off when The New Girl approaches, but cannot get the black warlock magic to work for me. Will continue negotiations with the box to give up its contents tomorrow. Must go, plans to sulk in Kikitopia until nightfall.


Seriously though, if she doesn't lay off trying to eat Gallifrey, I'm going to lose it.

cats are jerks, hilarity thy name is colleen, scalybutt

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