chat is a strange place

Jul 09, 2011 18:56

So, sometimes we reuse chat names. And when we use an old one, my Trillian saves the last 10 or so lines from the old conversation. This is what I saw this evening when I went to chat:

Leen: after i taped it, clex made me go back over it and photoshop in bad moustahce and add thick italian accents
Leen: girl has weeeeird kinks
Bryn: ....and yet I still want a copy?
Leen: and i'm not judging or nothing, but srsly, you probably don't want to see it
Bryn: lol
Bryn: I dunno, I can be quite smashing in a mustache.
Bryn: *leers and twirls mustache*
Bryn: Were they anything like these?
Leen: yeah, top right

I believe we were referring to the sex tape I made starring Clex and Bryn's identical alter ego. I could be wrong. Either way...

tag for the life ruiners, conversation

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