Five Acts Time!
+ Pick your five favourite kinks of right now and write them in a post
+ Follow that with a list of pairings/moresomes/fandoms you're into
+ Comment with your info
here and check out other people's posts
here+ Write and enjoy!
The Kinks
i. Getting messy. I don't care, but make it messy.
ii. Formal wear. Especially when tied in to the first kink.
iii. Hair pulling. Enough said.
iv. Dirty talk. I almost feel like there's no such thing as 'over the top' here.
v. Rough/angry/hatesex. I like them all rolly and bitey.
The Fandoms & Pairings
.Being Human (UK), Annie/George/Mitchell in any or all combinations
.Community, Abed/Troy/Annie -- again, any combination!, Annie/Jeff (not even ashamed so judge me all you want)
.Doctor Who, Ten/Jack, Eleven/Amy/Rory (in any combination)
.Harry Potter, Fred/George, Draco/Ron
.Leverage, Parker/Hardison, Hardison/Eliot, Parker/Hardison/Eliot, Parker/McSweeten, Nate/Sterling
.Newsies, Spot/Racetrack, Blink/Racetrack, Blink/Mush
.The Office (US), Jim/Ryan
.Supernatural, Sam/Dean, Sam/Castiel, Sam/Dean/Castiel, Castiel/Gabriel, Jo/anyone else, Bela/Dean, s3!Ruby/Dean
The Completed Fic
stay. Star Trek, Chekov/Sulu: sweet, fluffy lovemaking & the need to be quiet