+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is
here.+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.
I think we all know the beautiful, glorious drill by now.
Five Acts
i. anything to do with hair -- playing with hair, pulling hair, washing hair
ii. formal wear, especially when pretty formal wear gets mussed up
iii. kissing/touching/sexing outdoors in any weather
iv. snarky, funny, banter!sex
v. moresomes
Fandoms & Pairings
. Newsies . Mush/Blink, Race/anyone, really pretty much anyone/anyone would be awesome
. Leverage . Parker/Hardison, Parker/Hardison/Eliot, Eliot/Hardison, Nate/Sophie
. Supernatural . Sam/Dean, Gabriel/Castiel, Jo/any girl, Castiel/Jo, Bela/population of earth, Dean/Sam/Castiel
. Music RPF . Taylor Swift/Lady Gaga
. The Office (US) . Jim/Dwight, Erin/Andy, Pam/Jim, Angela/Dwight
. Firefly . Jayne/anyone (omg Jayne/Badger would complete my soul)
. Community . any combo of Troy/Abed/Annie, Britta/Duncan
Leen Has Written:
glad you're not roadkill. Leverage, Hardison/Eliot: near death experiences, touching, protectiveness, schmoop.
the spirit of adventure. Supernatural, Becky/Chuck: cross dressing.
proving it. Leverage, Hardison/Eliot: rough sex, fence sex (like wall sex, but with a fence), blowjobs.
long process. Leverage, Hardison/Parker/Eliot: penance/reform, military fetishization.
dragon's deal. Leverage, Hardison/Parker/Eliot: threesomes, the morning after.
capable hands. Leverage, Parker/Eliot: hand fixation, voyeurism.