Writing About Writing

Oct 25, 2010 12:12

I'm writing for polybigbang, which is a little odd, because out of the eight or ten big bangs I flirted with, Polly seemed the least interested in flirting back (in the form of giving me ideas). The deadline for first drafts was approaching at light speed and I still had zilch written.

Then, out of the blue, the superhero idea came to me.

It was a quiet idea, very sombre and a little unsure of itself. 'Come in, dear,' I said, welcoming it in out of the cold, thinking that with a little TLC, maybe it would be okay after all. The cold, scary outside world had left it shell-shocked.

Well. Either it was all an act to get inside my head or my TLC is extra potent and awesome, because the idea flourished.

It's not quiet or sombre now, though, it's loud and obnoxious and so, so, so... We'll call it 'Theatre of the Absurd.' My favourite character is the dog, who doesn't talk, but usually gets his point across, so that should give you an idea.

The 'poly' aspect of the poly big bang has only just begun to be hinted at (final, polished drafts are due 3 November, posting begins a week after). The main character is a side character now, a little one-dimensional now -- but I like her better like that. It's all got a weirdly comic book feel to it. I guess that wouldn't be so weird if the superhero part of the superhero story actually existed. The main character type guy is not actually super, he's just a vigilante. Also, it's mostly just a romance. Only without the romance.

So this tiny little frightened idea about superheroes that promised to be very super srs bsnss and about 12,000 words is not even finsihed and hovering just past 36,000 words. Also, it's a little crazy. And doesn't have any superheroes in it.

So my big question here is... How?

Is it my lack of planning these things out that makes this idea unrecognizable? Is it the fact that I ramble almost constantly in real life and so that's spilling over into my writing? If I'm writing and not even hating what I'm producing, I can't be doing it wrong, can I? (I guess that depends on if anyone else likes it, hmm?)

And should I be alarmed that the dog is the easiest character to write about? I shouldn't identify so strongly with the dog who has little dog ADD (I swear, they all have it), should I? Maybe that's why I'm doing well in this school program, who knows...
It's like... I know I have friends out there that are prepping for Nanowrimo in the most incredible detail. Maps and lists and desks of post it notes and writer-pipes galore.

I'm not even sure if I'll be writing anything at all for Nano yet, let alone what it might be. I mean, I switched novels three times last year. During Movember, even! What I wrote ended up being crap. My favourite scene was the one with the dead penguins. How is that something I should be able to say?

Anyways, see, this is the rambling I mean. My poly big bang does this every few paragraphs. Eep.

hopelessly self indulgent, writing, shut up leen, dogtag

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