Write Until We Die July Update

Jul 03, 2010 16:01

I'm dyin' here guys.

Well, metaphorically, anyways.

Didn't hit anywhere near my goal yesterday. Like shamefully far from it. Hoping for a better night tonight.

I think one of my biggest problems is the sheer number of partially started projects I have and my inability to decide what to focus on. If I could just finish one thing, I have a feeling my sense 'oh god, I am made of suck' will go away a little. I just need that self esteem boost. So, you know, writing about it in my LJ definitely helps. *facepalm*

My other major problem is my inability to get past the fact that Big Bang #2 doesn't have a map. I guess I'm a visual person when it comes to that kind of thing and I am having mondo trouble working on this story without the city mapped out. epiphanyx7 would be able to fix me. *longs*

Anyways. Back to the drawing board (which is actually a hardcover book and a broken pencil held together with yarn).

425 / 1500
(plus half a map!)

Also very important and the reason I have selected that icon for today's update is the fact that I am hungry and yet unable to eat until Katie gets home. SAD DAY.

big bang bangity bang, sob story, writing, wudge baby!, bean's toxic toad soul

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