In My Defense, I Think I'm Still Drunk From Last Night

Jun 25, 2010 17:12

I know that this might be a wildly unpopular opinion, but I have been refraining from saying it for so long that I think it's actually caused me physical pain. bluehippos, I know you're never going to speak to me again for this, but I need to put it out there.

I intensely dislike Wil Wheaton. He drives me up the frickin' wall. He always has.

THERE I SAID IT AND I'M NOT TAKING IT BACK. I feel a lot better now, how about you guys?

Got some awesome postcards in the mail today. They have horses on them. I'm pretty stoked to use them.

Started my story for spnrarepairs sometime between yesterday and today. It's strange and I'm scared. Someone should hold me. Or agree to beta it for me. Or both. Yeah, probably both. It's like, almost 900 words of O.o

Favourite Doctor Who quote of all time: Never ignore a coincidence. Unless you're busy, in which case, always ignore a coincidence.*

And on that note, did anyone else who watched 5x11 kind of want a Doctor Who/Stonehenge Apocalypse crossover? Anybody? Bueller? Just me and my crazy crossover brain again? Alright then. I'll be over here, plotting and stroking my plotting beard. I can see it already. This would be the cover, with clearly what would be the best title of anything ever (Cover mock-up contains vague spoilers for Who and S.A.). I need to stop thinking of crossovers before I get myself in trouble.

epiphanyx7 is moving today. Moving far, far away from me. I am sad and also thirsty. It's pretty much the worst mix of feelings ever.

*Gibbs would not approve.

things i hate, crossovers from hell, space adventures, writing, friends, katie, fandom and other strange animals

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