Four Things
1 - I am sick and therefore extra bitchy today. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here.
It's not strep, which is weird because we're halfway through May and I've only had strep once. Normally I average out 5-6 cases of strep a year. I guess I'm just going to be really really gross later this year? I do not like the idea of attempting to write for Nanowrimo with uber strep from hell...
I actually think it's just a cold. Do you know how long it has been since I just had a regular head cold instead of some kind of Super Illness? Just having a cold feels so weird. I can still do most things! I'm not bedridden! I am, instead, coughing my lungs out and complaining a lot. I have also apparently lost most of my voice.
2 -
AUGH WHY. So I am sick, right (as illustrated by part one) and all I wanted to do yesterday after I got home was sleep. And I had to be up this morning for 8 to walk the dog. So when my phone rings at 3:30 am while I am trying to sleep, I was not a happy person. But when the call id says 'Mama', I panic. Why the hell would she be calling unless it was some version of the apocalypse, right?
Well, the fam is all living, no one has been hospitalized, the homestead didn't burn down, no on has grown a secret tail.
No, it's far more stupid than any of that (yes, stupider than the tail thing). My sister came home drunk from the bar and started a fight with my stepdad.
My sister can be a horrid bitch pretty much 91% of the time. My stepfather can be a complete asshole about oh, 91% of the time. They're such a ridic match, I'm so glad I was not in the vicinity. My sister is incredibly disrespectful of other people, things that belong to other people, my Mama, my Mama's rules and obviously, my stepfather.
The house rule is no coming into the kitchen past 10pm because my sister absolutely cannot be quiet ever and she has woken Mama+Stepfather up so many times that they had to make a rule. fair enough, it's their house and she lives there rent free, eats their food, gets free rides &c&c. Well she comes home wasted and goes straight to kitchen at 2 in the morning after she got kicked out of the bar. Wakes up Stepfather, who can never let anything go, so he shouts at her from the other room to go to bed, she tells him to 'fuck off'.
So there was a huge yelling match, she tried to hit him and he told her if she didn't like the rules and if she was going to continue her phase of such a disrespectful witch, she could go live somewhere else. Please note this 'phase' started about 9 years ago. She has been this terrible for almost a decade. It's probably not a phase, it's probably just who she is as a person! Sorry to be the one who said it, y'all.
She pitches even more of a drunken fit and mother drives her to my aunt's house to sober up. On the drive home, Mama calls me, very upset, to talk it through.
I get off the phone with Mama, roll over and cuddle Freddy for about two minutes before sister is calling me drunk as fuck and long distance to boot. I tell her she is drunk (omg, she sounds so much like my father) and I will talk to her once she sobers up and her hangover is gone. She tells me I clearly forget how much of a 'fucking piece of shit' Stepfather can be and I am just taking his side. I tell her there is no way I am taking his side OR her side and I am on my mother's side which is basically 'everyone needs to chill the fuck out and learn to respect each other or I'll have to cut a bitch' (my Mama is rad like that). She listens intently as I tell her that she's a grown up now so she needs to grow the fuck up and act like it, how Mama always does right by her and she can be so ungrateful and disrespectful and how the fact that she is 14,000$ in debt from a university course that cost her 6,000$ when her books, rent for the year and transportation were paid by my father is ridiculous and is also the reason our mother can't afford to loan me money to go pay for my required vaccinations and she needed to smarten to fuck up before I get rabies and die.
It was past 4am, I can't be held accountable if my logic didn't fully make sense at this point.
After all this, she pauses a second and says 'yeah, but don't you think Stepfather is a fucking piece of shit?'
Clearly, she missed everything I said. I again reiterated that she was drunk and we should be having this conversation when a) she's sober and can remember having it and b) when she can call me from her cell phone because then I won't be paying ridic long distance charges. She shouts that I hate her and that I'm a bitch, mashes the keypad in my ear and hangs up.
So how was your night?
3 - LJKA;SDFLDASLJDSDOEWRN. Guys. I read through the changes Bean made to our Big Bang and added a few of my own (mostly correcting errant punctuation). We also discussed (at length!) all the extra extended scenes, deleted scenes, way too cracktastic/pornographic/both scenes that will be included in the 'bonus features' section. I am so so so excited for this to be posted in fifteen days, you really have no idea. It doesn't even matter if not a single one of you reads it, I am going to read it and I am going to love it and I am going to flail over it. That being said, I still hope some of you read it ;)
It's a Supernatural AU from 5x10 and contains such awesome things as 'Intense Man Pain!', 'Magic Oreo Cookies!', 'Men Who Cry, Try To Deny They Were Crying and Then Hug Manfully!' and 'A Goldfish!'. And to be fully honest, it's only like 45% crack.
4 - What's the deal with grammar? Seriously, I never really understood it.