Leave a comment saying, "COMMENT" and I will give you five words I associate with you. Then post about what they mean to you, along with this, at your journal.
Iconssssssssssssss. Okay, I have a problem with Livejournal icons. Like, a lot. Like, over a thousand and counting on my hard drive. And they're all categorized. And cross-indexed. And colour-coded. When I'm sad or angry or sick or whatever, I go looking for new icons to add to my collection. They are my sweet, sweet crack and in the great hard drive crash of um, '07, I lost pretty much all of them. OHGODS it was carnage. But I'm mostly over it.
Memmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmories! All alone in the moooooooooooonlight! Okay so I love CATS. I came relatively late to the game and have never seen it live, but WHATEVER OKAY. I love the whole show. The costumes the sets and the lighting and the pow-wow amazing feeling of it. Skimbleshanks is my favourite (his song makes me want to leap tall buildings in a single bound and dance my jiggly butt off), with Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer a vry, vry close second place tie.
Also, I found this in a commentfic meme a while back and it makes me happy in a weird way (in my pants).
...It occurs to me she might have meant like, felines.
So cats are pretty okay. I used to always be a cat person (not like, a 'catperson', but like a person who likes cats) until I got my current cat who just kind of... turned me on to dogs. I love McLovin' and stuff, but... His stupid square head and dumb eyes and his ugly colours and his hateful personality. Ugh. Cats. Not the same in real life as they are in the musical.
Yes, I have been called this.
But I'm kind of okay with it. Kind of more than okay, even. I'd rather be random than predictable any day; keeps life interesting. My interests can be random, my music, my taste in pretty much anything, my moods (eep). Some of my family say it like it's a bad thing, but the people who know me best generally admire it.
Oh musicals, you got me through high school. Les Miserables is hands down my favourite show of all time ever. I loved the book, love the movie but would do things to the musical that I don't think I'd even do with my future spouse and/or Misha Collins and/or a nice glass of juice. Okay, maybe my standards are low (OR MAYBE I JUST LIKE JUICE, GET OFF MY CASE) but MUSICALS make my life. I do not have a big long epic list of how many I've seen but it's in the range of 'a lot,' I think. Songs from musicals are my go-to 'cheer me up' music and my go-to 'I am happy and need to listen to music that will help me keep it up' music and my 'dance party!' music. If there was an option for my life = musical, you can bet I'd choose it.
Yes please. Wait, what was the question?
I take heat for supporting this, both from other fans and from the uninitiated. Okay, canonically? They love each other. The canon never specifically states it's not the creaky bed springs kind of love. Even in the ep where discover slash (or Dean discovers it. I maintain Sam already knows), the line is 'they do know we're brothers, right?' not 'ew ew ew ew oh god that so could and would never happen because it's wrong and I dnw.' SEEMS PRETTY AMBIGUOUS THERE, WINCHESTERS. I'm not in it because they're brothers either, I'm in it because of who they are as like, people (you know, as peopley as imaginary characters can be). They just happen to be brothers as well.
Anyways, I ramble. As if you couldn't tell.
See guys, I was going to write this big long rant about how I hate people so very much, but I started writing about MUSICALS and then I started LISTENING to MUSICALS and then everything went warm'n'fuzzy (except it's still bloody cold in here) and now I don't have the energy.