Thoughts About Writing

Dec 16, 2009 18:00

Alright, so this might get whiny.

I know I'm not a great writer. I don't have the flair for the creative like I wish I did. I can't make people cry or laugh or think deep thoughts with my prose. I probably never will. I've long since accepted I am not an all star when it comes to that.

My writing averages about a C-. My very favourite, most proud writing moments might score a C+ or a B-. Not stellar, but average. Enough to get me by.

I woke to a review from FFN (aka: Pit of Voles) in my inbox. I haven't posted anything to FFN since December 2007, and the story that the review was for was from 2004. That's almost six years ago now. I read the story again. It was decent! Like, two spelling mistakes, some extra commas here and there. And it doesn't change tense once through the whole story, which was my biggest problem as a young writer. The characters were believable and followed canon, it had a unique concept and I happen to think it was one of my better-titled works (god, I am so bad at titles).

The review I got?

"Um, WTH is this supposed to be?"

Yeah, maybe I'm just hormonal or something, or pissy because I dislike the holidays, but it irked me. It irked me like the 'you need to move your car' lady irked me. I didn't think anything of it at time, but as the day went on, I got more and more ticked off.

So I deleted everything off my FFN account. Closed down the whole thing. I salvaged what I could from the fiery wreckage of sub-par fanfiction. It'll get remodeled and retitled (I was worse then at titles and I am still shit at them. Scary thought!!) and posted to my writing journal if I am feeling prolific.

It might seem like an overreaction, but it was something I kept meaning to do anyways and this anonymous idiot just pushed me over the edge.

I mean, unsigned, anonymous review, really? I can see not liking a story and wanting to leave concrit for the author, or hating it entirely and not leaving anything at all, but to take the time to respond just to be a big sack of dicks? Yeah, the internet is a hate machine, I know, but it just irritates me to no end.

Oh, and it turns out, I was writing crackfic before it was cool to write crackfic. You might be interested to know I was writing 'so and so is suddenly a dinosaur!! But everyone's okay with it because, come on, it kind of makes sense' before it became The Thing.

things i hate, sob story, writing, shame on you, that's so meaty, internet

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