Aug 18, 2009 21:57
Now I know I've ranted about this three or four times in the past, but I was just recently pissed off about it anew, so here we are.
We have wireless internet in our house. Which I help pay for every month. At the beginning of the year, I got a laptop because my desktop broke down and decided it was time for an upgrade to something more portable. Because who doesn't love the have the internet in the living room, or in the kitchen?
Well, for the first few months, my roommate flat out refused to give me the WEP key to log on. He said I could just use the 5.5 feet of cord in my bedroom if I wanted to go online. He claimed the password was the password he used for everything and he was not going to share it because then I'd have access to his entire life (or something equally stupid as a reason). He finally caved and gave me the code, but it still didn't work so he claimed it was my computer that didn't work.
Now roommate dear is an only child from a single parent family and is used to getting everything his way that it sets my teeth to aching sometimes. Other roommate does not believe in conflict, so apparently I have to settle for using the cord in my room.
Fine, if that's the way you want to act, I'm happier in here with the door closed.
But then I got a new laptop and sold old laptop to roommate two. Who, in the month since she got the laptop, has never once has an issue using the wireless network. She can even use the web from the front lawn, as we proved last night.
Bolstered by this, I attempted signing on this evening while we were downstairs. No avail, it still doesn't work.
He gives me the same excuse he did before. 'It's your computer.'
Well no, genius, it's not. It can't have been my computer this whole time because a) the old computer works fine for the roommate you do like, and b) this computer has been successful in getting a wireless signal in at least 4 other places (cousin's house, mother's house, sorority house, Janis's house).
So now he's claiming he's not going to try the other router we own, because the current set up works for him and roommate 2 has no complaints, so why should we change anything when it works for both of them and I'm the only one with an issue?
It's not a majority rules system if I'm paying the goddamn bill.
So I'm going to go yank all the cords out of the wireless and claim that it works for me and if he's got something to say about it, well then maybe I'll hit him in the mouth not pay anything this month.
EDIT: He attempted to be less of a meanie. I have been slightly mollified. And we're getting a better router tomorrow.
freaking the hell out,
that's so meaty,