Nov 21, 2006 11:24
When playing rock paper scissors the default protocol is "rock, paper, scissors, shoot." If you feel it should be different, you must bring it up before hands are played. Also, the name is, in fact, "rock paper scissors" not "paper rock scissors" or any other variation. Normally it is played best two out of three, but sudden death games may occur if and only if the opponent is properly notified.
Rock paper scissors is the only way to settle disputes in many situations, including but not limited to: Last slice of pizza, who gets to talk to an unknown member of the opposite sex, movie rentals, garbage duties, and found items. It may not settle shotgun disputes unless of course both parties agree that the phrase was shouted at the same time.
The validity of the game may not be questioned. Arguments such as "There is no way paper can cover rock, that's stupid. Rock could just land on paper and stop it from doing anything," are childish and futile.
The only three moves that can be made are "rock" "paper" and "scissors." That Pete and Pete episode where kids threw objects such as "meteor" was fictional. Any attempt to do such results in disqualification.