From Across the Caferteria ~ Chapter 2

Feb 18, 2009 22:10

Title: From Across The Cafeteria
Author: unatral_kreatur
Rating: G (maybe a little PG)
Warning(s): A few homo stares and gay thinkies but nothing harmful! lol 
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Genre: J2 High School AU (Well that was a mouthfull!)
Chapter: Two ~ Dammit, So Close!
Word Count: 1'138
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. No profit is being made from this fanfiction. Also I’m not experienced in J2 so amateur writing ahead!!!
Beta Acknowledgment: None yet.
Summary: A very cliched Closet Boy comes to new school, Falls for koot geek, Koot Geek falls for new Closet Boy. But I'll try to mix it up a bit!
Notes:   ckll I hope this helps, but it's not really J2-y enough yet! Also for snowinginjune ! Get well honey!!!
Comments Are <3

CHAPTER TWO ~ Dammit! So Close

By Maxx

Jensen made it to his first class in one piece; the comings and goings of all the students just about veered down the wrong hallway. Once he made it to his first class, Ancient History, he was pulled aside by the teacher before he had a chance to sit down. He was a short man, not quite Jensen’s height; with a whiskers rather than a beard all over his chin.

“I’d just like to introduce you to the class… oh what was it,” he said in a high nasal tone.

“Jensen, sir” Jensen informed quickly.

“Well that’s certainly an interesting name,” he commented, though he didn’t seem to be paying much interest. His attention was now on two thuggish looking boys, who happened to be playing Catch with their textbooks.

Jensen leant against the whiteboard; praying they could play the stupid name game so he could sit down, people were starting to stare. As the last of the students had come in and the teacher, who had not yet introduced himself, put a stop to the “mistreatment of school property” he began to call the classes attention in a tone befitting a parrot.

“Well students, we seem to have the honour of a new student in our class,” as if the students didn’t notice the bow-legged young man standing out the front the teacher gestured to him, “Class, this is Jensen… Ackles. Ah yes. Sorry, I’m terrible with names!”

Jensen smiled pleasantly but silently wished that someone would ask the teacher if they could get to schoolwork. It would’ve been easier if he had come at the beginning of the year, but his father refused to move till all his business deals had cleared up. Hence he had to come at the end of the first term, having to endure this.

“So where did you come from before here?” the teacher asked, as if it was something of actual importance.

“Uh, Texas.” His accent wasn’t particularly obvious, a fact he was thankful for.

Jensen was so happy when the teacher had gotten over his little Q & A session and he could take his seat in the middle row, no longer the focus of 24 extremely bored looking students.

The rest of the lesson was about Ancient Greece, a subject that seemed to follow Jensen from one grade to another. He didn’t mind of course, Greece was and is a beautiful being a place he always wanted to visit.

Jensen was itching to get English, which was funny since it wasn’t his favourite subject, even if he still liked it. No, he was hoping to catch a glimpse of his over-six-foot “chaperone”, and as pathetic as it made him feel, he was excited. After being given a criteria sheet for the essay he was to write, due the beginning of the next term, he asked for directions and hurried best he could to English.

Unfortunately, his lack of familiarity with the school halls meant he did eventually find the right classroom, they had already gone in.

He entered cautiously, scanning the room before his eyes almost immediately found the highest head in the room. Though he could not see his face since he was looking straight down, he immediately recognized Jared’s shaggy head of hair.

“Lost young man?” Jared’s head snapped up as the teacher spoke, Jensen looked away, but that moment of eye contact had brought a blush to his cheeks.

Jensen took a deep breath and replied, “No, sorry I, um, am new to this class.”

The teacher skimmed her roll, she seemed like a nice enough lady, her voice was pleasant but to the point. Voices were something Jensen got a lot of information about people from. She was nice, he could tell.

“Ah yes, Jensen!” Jensen’s eyes skimmed over the heads of the students, making eye contact for another brief moment with the giant at the back of the room.

The teacher introduced herself as Miss Carter and directed him to the seat in the second row. Dean wrote a mental note to thank her eternally; his blushing would only redden if he had to stand up in front of the whole class plus Jared.

Mental note number two: stop obsessing. Dude, it’s weird!

He cast one last glance to the back of the room where Jared had begun to take out items from his pencil case. Dean was a little disappointed, it was juvenile but he wanted to make eye contact… as embarrassing as it was.

English was fairly straight forward, read as much of To Kill A Mockingbird as they could, Jensen was glad he was a fast reader since everyone else was halfway through already.

As he read, he contemplated whether or not to approach Jared at the end of the lesson.

So he can, you know, continue with the whole tour guide thing! He joked to himself.

Miss Carter left the room, telling the class she had some worksheets she needed to grab and for them to do the review questions when they had finished the chapter they were on.

A couple of minutes after she left, the girl next to Jensen leaned over and asked him for a pen.

“Sure, here you go.” He said in a friendly voice as he handed over the black pen.

“So what do you think of West Grove?” she asked, she was not the only person talking, since the teacher left students had immediately started talking.

“It seems… nice” Jensen couldn’t really make any judgement other than there were a lot of students.

“Nice?” the girl said with a laugh, “That’s one way of putting it.”

“What, should I be scared of the natives?” Jensen joked.

“Some of ‘em!” she said with a smile, “I’m Danielle by the way.”

“Jensen,” he replied with a smile.

“Alright, quiet down!” Miss. Carter shouted over the class, whose volume had exceeded the level of regular conversation, “You’ve only got five more minutes. Now all I want you to do is answer the questions on the handouts. Not brain surgery!”

She moved up the furthest row of chairs and as she came down the next row, Jensen’s, so he had to turn to take the sheet. Jared was looking straight at him!

Jensen quickly turned back to his book, praying that the hot feeling in his face wasn’t him blushing. It’s sunburn! Yes Sunburn!!

As the bell for first break rang, Jensen gathered his things and jumped when Danielle tapped him on the shoulder.

“Whoa, sorry, gave me a fright,” Jensen laughed.

“Oopsie Daisy!” she giggled, “I was just going to ask, since you don’t know anyone here, maybe you would want to sit with my group in the cafeteria?”

Jensen’s eyes followed Jared out the room, Dammit, so close!
“Sure, that would be great.”
He lied.


j2, fan fic

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