...cause I threw the GOD DAMN ALARM CLOCK out the window! IF IM STILL SLEEPING LEAVE ME ALONE!
lol, well it has been awhile since the last post my pretties, hasn't it? What with the tidal wave of study, I've had neither the physical nor emotional energy to say anything. Well pretty much everythings out of the way except the Maths Exam on tuesday and the Sose oral on Monday. Then We're going to Dreamworld WOOT! (I feel 10 again!!!)
And this weekend I have decided to live up to my stereotype and sit around and watch horror movies, because that's about all there is to Max anyway. Well I did design a dress, two actually but the first was a VERY rough draft, the seconds okay but needs to be inked.
Also I wrote 3 poems for English. We're doing the holocaust of WWII with the Jews and instead of writing one poem I wrote three cause when it comes to English I'm a MEGA suck up! At least I have that to be proud of.
On a lighter note, my friend Jarad who was gunna move to Brisbane is staying! YAYAYA!
Gown, Gloves, Pillbox hat and a sort of Ladies Cummerbund
(I think Her head is a bit small)
On another note, I feel like the screamapillar from Simpsons
(:WHY CROW?! WHY!!!!???) ^Love U Mandy^
- It needs constant reassurance or it will die.
- It is sexually attracted to fire
then homer says "has anyone considered god WANTS this creature dead? (sound familiar...)