app for capeandcowl

Nov 14, 2010 08:05

NAME: Aselia
AGE: 21
JOURNAL: yarbling
IM: lol jihad kun [AIM]

FANDOM: Umineko no Naku Koro ni (the anime version, more specifically)
CHRONOLOGY: Episode 11
CLASS: Villain
SUPERHERO NAME: The Golden Witch
ALTER EGO: Beatrice Castiglioni, owner of a tea parlor.


Beatrice comes from a world in which the existence of witches, magic, and demons is heavily debated.  Basically, her world is split into two parts: the human world, and a plane known as the 'Meta-world.'  The Meta-world is where all the witches, magic, and demons actually exist and yet don't at the same time, as it exists outside of reality as we know it.  Humans normally exude an 'anti-magic aura' that effectively neutralizes the power of the Meta-world due to their general lack of belief in the supernatural.  If humans are to draw power from, much less enter, the Meta-world, they must first accept the existence of witches, magic, and demons---this, in turn, keeps the witches' reality stabilized and keeps them in power to do as they please.  That is how the two worlds co-exist, much like an eternal game of tug-of-war.

Hence, why Beatrice's existence starts out as basically a story within a story.  Long ago, the family head, Kinzo, according to family legend, was able to call upon her aid by offering to her his soul and was granted ten tons of gold which became the source of the family's wealth in the first place after it had previously been crippled by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake.

Kinzo is the first to mention Beatrice's name.  At story's beginning, he's locked in his room, apparently carrying out some kind of occult ritual in which he calls out to her, begging her to show herself so he can see her 'smile' again.

Years later, now that Kinzo is dying and both his wealth and position must be passed on, the legend of the Golden Witch continues to live on.  She is also rumored to be a 19th resident on the island of Rokkenjima, where Kinzo has been residing, apparently making a home for herself within the dense forests of the island.  A portrait of her, ordered by Kinzo himself, is displayed in the entrance hall of his mansion, and underneath is written a cryptic epitaph: "My beloved hometown, the bountiful river running through it. You who seek the Golden Land, follow it's path downstream and seek the key. If you follow the river downstream, you will find a village. In the village, look for the shore the two will tell you of. There sleeps the key to the Golden Land. He who lays his hand upon the key shall travel under the rules below:  At the first twilight, you shall lift up as sacrifice the six chosen by the key.  At the second twilight, the surviving shall tear apart the two who are close.  At the third twilight, the surviving shall praise my honorable name on high.  At the fourth twilight, gouge the head and kill.  At the fifth twilight, gouge the chest and kill.  At the sixth twilight, gouge the belly and kill.  At the seventh twilight, gouge the knee and kill.  At the eighth twilight, gouge the leg and kill.   At the ninth twilight, the Witch shall live again and none shall be left to live.  At the tenth twilight, the journey shall end and you should reach the Golden Land.  The Witch will praise the wise, and should bestow four treasures.  One shall be, all the gold from the Golden Land.  One shall be, the resurrection of the souls of all the dead.  One shall be, even the resurrection of the lost love.  One shall be, to put the Witch to sleep for all time.  Sleep peacefully, my most beloved witch, Beatrice."

It is said that whoever is able to solve the epitaph will receive the gold and become the next head of the Ushiromiya family, according to little Maria, who insists that Beatrice and witches in general exist.  Hence, Kinzo's children and their descendants all venture out to Rokkenjima for the annual conference on how the dying Kinzo's wealth will be distributed among them.  Solving the epitaph isn't actually on the agenda, of course, because, pssh.  Witches don't exist.  Of course, it doesn't help that the family is a highly dysfunctional one, full of personal grudges, vendettas, rivalries, child abuse, infidelity, and greed, just to name a few of the personal issues that plague each and every one of them.  It kind of makes you feel bad for Kinzo's five servants, who actually have to attend to this crazy lot.

There is a lot of insults being thrown about during the conference as the adult members of the family---Krauss, Hideyoshi, Eva, Natsuhi, Rudolf, Rosa, and Kyrie---bicker over how to split up Kinzo's wealth.  Accusations are made left and right of financial misbehaviors on everyone's part, with the crowning moment being Eva calling Natsuhi a whore and causing the latter to run off in tears.  At one point, Krauss makes a joke about perhaps trying to find Beatrice's gold so that way, everyone can be rich.

Meanwhile, the younger folks---Battler, Jessica, Maria, and George---are out picnicking in the beach when they realize that a storm's about to hit.  They decide to head on back to Kinzo's estate, and upon returning and meeting up with Rosa, discover that a wilting rose Maria and George had discovered and marked for the servants to tend to has mysteriously vanished.  Maria panics and goes about looking for the flower, making her trademark "Uu! Uu!" noises and generally whining, prompting Rosa to snap and start beating up on the poor kid.   After George herds everyone else away from the drama, Rosa finally regains her senses and storms off in a huff, leaving Maria in the rain to continue looking for the rose.

A mysterious female figure is then seen appearing behind the little girl, carrying a pink parasol.

The weather worsens.  Kinzo is locked up in his room, ranting and raving about returning everything he had received from this mysterious 'Beatrice'----all of his gold, his wealth, his estate.  He tosses his golden ring into the lightning-streaked skies, yelling that 'the banquet' will now begin.

Since Maria hasn't returned, Rosa, Battler, Jessica, Kinzo's one servant Kanon, and George decide to search for her before the storm fully hits.  When they do find the girl, she is carrying the same pink parasol the female figure was, and when Rosa asks who gave it to her, Maria claims that it was 'Beatrice.'  No one believes her, but no one else can claim they gave her the umbrella, either.

At dinner, Maria reads a letter that she'd found---again, it claims to be from 'Beatrice.'  The letter basically poses a challenge to all the members of the family: As alchemic advisor to Kinzo, she is now resigning---but under a few conditions.  She must receive her hidden gold that she lent to Kinzo, as well as the family's wealth, in compensation for her services.  However, should the family solve the epitaph and find the gold, she will forfeit and the family's funds will remain autonomous.  She will also return everything that she has collected.  But since she has received Kinzo's ring, as of now, she has officially inherited the family.

Of course, the adults go into a panic.  Krauss starts knocking on Kinzo's door and demands what's going on, but Kinzo doesn't answer; Kinzo instead beckons Beatrice to come.

Later on, Krauss shows Natsuhi one of the gold bars that Kinzo apparently received from Beatrice.  The servants begin to prepare for some mysterious 'guests' that Kinzo is about to have over.

The next morning, one of the servants, Gohda, and Krauss suddenly go missing.  In searching for them, Natsuhi, Genji, Hideyoshi, Kanon, and Eva discover a strange alchemical circle scrawled in blood all over the shed in the garden.  When the shed is open, the bodies of Rosa, Shannon, Krauss, and Gohda, as well as Rudolf and Kyrie---Battler's parents---are discovered.

Another servant, Kumasawa, informs the remaining family members of bloodstains in the dining hall.  Battler concludes that the six victims were killed there rather than in the shed.  In investigating the alchemic circle, Maria reveals that it is the 'seventh magic circle of the sun,' which can bestow freedom to one bound in restraints.  Battler makes another deduction: the killer must still be on the island.  Maria adds that the killer themselves isn't even human.

Eva reports that Kinzo has also gone missing, and everyone decides to search for him.  In discovering that the key to the shed wasn't thrown away, Battler states that the killer is familiar with the mansion---and the killer may well be one of the remaining family members and servants.

The servants get to discussing how and why Beatrice would go around killing Shannon, and why she didn't kill off Natsuhi as a sacrifice.  When Battler comes in to refute that theory, Kanon claims that yes, Beatrice exists, as a witch living in the forests on the island, and that it was she who gave Kinzo his gold and worked under him.  When Battler asks if any of them have ever seen her face, Kumasawa claims that Beatrice doesn't really have a form.  Genji adds that she doesn't have a body, and that the portrait in the entrance hall was apparently of her when she chose to be in a human form.  Kanon goes on to say that normally, she appears in the form of golden butterflies.

Battler writes everything off as Kinzo's crazy ramblings, but the servants insist that Beatrice is real, and that she has 'arrived.'  A smirking Maria appears as well, claiming that Battler can't see Beatrice because his 'wavelength' isn't on the same level as hers.  Still, eventually, she adds, Beatrice will 'revive,' and then she'll appear in full.  She comments that without the scorpion charm that she had given him and the other younger members of the family earlier, he would've been killed.  But Battler continues to refute everything, saying that he hadn't had the charm on his person that night, and that witches don't exist.

When speaking with George and Jessica, Battler concludes that the culprit is only making it look like Beatrice exists, and that there is a 19th resident on the island.  They also come to the conclusion that, since they are descendants of Kinzo, and that the culprit/Beatrice seeks to claim everything he'd created using the gold she'd given him, the family's lives are also part of the deal.  With that being said, everyone decides to work together and solve the riddle of the epitaph to save their lives.

Genji and Kanon later seek out Eva and Hideyoshi to inform them that dinner is ready, only to get no answer.  When they try to open the door, it's locked, and Genji sends Kanon to get Kumasawa to cut the chain on the door.  Another odd circle is discovered scrawled all over the door, and when they finally get into the room, Eva is discovered dead lying on the bed and Hideyoshi is also discovered dead, in the bathtub.

They also notice an odd smell coming into the house.  Kanon and Kumasawa go over to the boiler room to investigate.

When everyone else is shown over to the crime scene, Natsuhi discovers another letter lying on the ground, but keeps it to herself.  Jessica and Battler proceed to try and figure out how the murders may have happened; Battler concludes that it was a perfect 'closed room' scenario and that Jessica's theory of someone knocking and coming in only to stab Eva doesn't add up.  Maria proceeds to taunt Battler, claiming that the lack of logic is only Beatrice's way of sticking it to him, and that deep down inside, Battler believes Beatrice is the culprit.  Maria also reveals that the circle scrawled on Eva and Hideyoshi's door is that of the moon, which can open any door even if it's locked.

When Kanon and Kumasawa arrive at the boiler room.  Assuming that the culprit may be hiding in there since there's a door that leads to the outside within, Kanon goes alone, armed with a cleaver.  Golden butterflies quickly surround him, and he confronts them, saying that he is no longer 'furniture,' and that to end Beatrice's and Kinzo's plot, he will sacrifice himself.   However, he gets stabbed in the heart for his trouble.  When everyone else rushes to the boiler room, they also discover the source of the strange odor---it's Kinzo's incinerated corpse, confirmed by the six toes on each foot.  Genji also notices that Kinzo's ring is gone.

Genji leads them to Kinzo's study, which he claims is the only place that's safe.  Maria notices the fifth circle of Mars on the doorknob, which she says blocks magic---and in turn, Beatrice cannot enter.  It also has the same scorpion symbol on the charms Maria gave Battler, Jessica, and George.  Natsuhi is revealed to also have been in possession of Maria's charms; hence, why Beatrice couldn't enter her room, either.

In opening the second letter, there is only a brief message: "Glorify my name."  Natsuhi is under the impression that Beatrice is probably Kinzo's lover, and in asking Genji for more details, he reveals that Beatrice is said to be already dead, and that Kinzo had begun to dabble in black magic in order to find a way to revive her.  The doctor also reveals that Kinzo's first marriage was arranged, and that his first wife passed away.  Even then, he still loved Beatrice.  Jessica assumes that perhaps Kinzo only wanted to believe that Beatrice would resurrect as a witch and become the 19th resident.

Jessica reveals that Kinzo created an orphanage of sorts, but rumors abounded that it was created with the real purpose of rounding up kids to offer up as sacrifices in black magic rituals.  Battler comes to the conclusion that all of the murders are following the epitaph, and that three more people need to be 'sacrificed.'

In other words, "OMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"

And then another letter appears.  The message is more ominous this time: "Have you been enjoying the riddle of Kinzo's epitaph? Please abandon any naive hopes about being able to escape when the storm passes.  This game can only end with either me or the rest of you winning.  When your time runs out, it'll be my victory.  I ask you not to misunderstand this situation."

Natsuhi immediately accuses the servants and Maria of being conspirators, and orders them to leave the room.  When left alone, Battler discovers some papers lying around Kinzo's study, and finds a drawing of another magic circle, revealed the be the third circle of mars, which sows discord and causes the enemy to destroy themselves as a result of internal division.

The phone rings.  Natsuhi answers, only to hear Maria singing.  Battler, Natsuhi, George and  Jessica rush to go find her, only to discover that the doctor, Genji, and Kumasawa have been killed.  Maria is the only survivor, standing in front of a wall with her back turned to everyone else, still singing.

Battler demands that Maria tell him who did this, and she insists that it was Beatrice, causing Battler to flip out on her.  When George asks her how Beatrice did it, Maria says she's not sure, and that Beatrice had told her to face the wall and sing.  She goes on to say that although Genji locked the door, Beatrice got in anyway, because she's a witch.  With that being said, Maria finally adds that Beatrice told her that she couldn't get into the study at first because of a strong barrier----so she had to kill the three servants in order to dispel it.  The only reason why Beatrice didn't harm her was because of the scorpion charm Battler returned to her when she left.

Jessica discovers that Natsuhi is no longer with them---indeed, Natsuhi has decided to confront Beatrice on her own, standing in front of the portrait.  A golden butterfly appears before her, and she shoots at it, only to die just as Jessica, Battler, George, and Maria manage to catch up to her.

When midnight strikes, a swarm of golden butterflies appears before the four.  Battler lashes out, saying that he will prove that Beatrice doesn't exist.  Everyone dies.  BAD END!

And then everything is reset, essentially.  And everyone laughs and suddenly believes that "YAY BEATRICE IS REAL!"

Except for Battler.

It is then that Beatrice finally makes her appearance..  Kanon introduces her as the "Golden Witch," who has lived for a thousand years.  Basically everyone proceeds to kiss her feet, apologizing for Battler's bad manners---but Beatrice laughs it off, saying that Battler is a man who actually has backbone.  Battler claims that she is nothing but an illusion, however, and that in convincing everyone she exists, she is actually able to assume a form---but she can't fully exist because he is the only one who doesn't believe in her.

Beatrice compliments him on his understanding, and claims that he was born with a powerful magic-resistant aura; that he is the natural enemy of all witches.  But she contradicts his theory with her own---how did the letters appear? How did the receipt seal on the door appear? Who left the chain up in Eva and Hideyoshi's room? How did Genji, the doctor, and Kumasawa die? Did Natsuhi really commit suicide? How did Shannon and Kanon die?

And then suddenly, Shannon and Kanon are dead again.  Everyone disappears, because, according to Maria, Battler does not believe in Beatrice.

Beatrice challenges Battler to show her the 'power of humans,' which he gladly accepts.

In the Meta-world, Beatrice is then summoned by Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles.  Bern claims that Beatrice has the power to kill her victims endlessly, and is more powerful than she.  Beatrice accepts Bernkastel's request to act as an 'observer' to her new 'game.'  Bernkastel claims that while Beatrice puts on a front of affection, she really can't understand her at all, which makes Beatrice all the more frightening in her eyes.  She implores for Beatrice not to kill her, as boredom is the only thing that can kill witches like them.  Beatrice accepts and leaves.

Bernkastel then cryptically makes mention of aiding someone else (Battler), but only so that Beatrice can continue the fight endlessly, and that she will make Beatrice fall to her knees and surrender with each new cycle.

In December 1985, it is shown that Shannon crushed a sacred mirror hidden on a shrine overlooking the sea near Rokkenjima, in order to to avert her 'fate' and be with George, who she's in love with.  She cryptically makes mention of keeping her end of a bargain she had made----with Beatrice.

Unfortunately, Shannon's hopes are dashed with Eva makes mention of a marriage meeting for George.  Devestated, Shannon approaches Beatrice's portrait, claiming that she is merely furniture, and has no need for the heart that has been granted her.  Beatrice then appears, claiming that since the beginning of time, humans have always searched the elements that make up their world; but in reality, there's only a single element that has made up the world----love.

Beatrice says that because Shannon has fallen in love, she has become human, and can grant her desire----to be with George.  However, she will only do so under one condition: break the sacred mirror in the shrine.  Only then will she regain her power.  Shannon refuses, claiming that even if she breaks the mirror, things will remain the same and also that she doesn't know what'll happen if a witch like Beatrice regains her magic.  Beatrice concedes, agreeing with Shannon's statement, but things will remain as they are for all eternity.  She tells Shannon that if she ever changes her mind, to break the mirror and call her name----she will keep her promise without fail.

Kanon enters, telling Beatrice to stop bullying Shannon while under the impression that she's Eva.  Beatrice, calling him 'filth', tells him to choose his words carefully, for he is speaking to someone who is gracious to those who respect her, and is cruel to those who do not.  She approaches Kanon in a threatening manner only to be stopped by Shannon.  Beatrice backs off, claiming that she has taken a liking to Shannon.  Before leaving, Beatrice gives her a pin with a golden butterfly on it.  So long as Shannon has it, Beatrice claims, her wish will be granted; still, unless she smashes the sacred mirror, it's just a piece of jewelry.  She leaves her finally with this question: "Will you seek the continuation of your everyday life, or try to change things?"

August 1986 passes---all seems to be going well between Shannon and George, with Shannon having accompanied him to Okinawa.  Shannon and Beatrice are having tea, and Shannon suddenly smiles, prompting Beatrice to ask why.  Shannon responds that it's funny to see a witch like her gobbling up sweets, and Beatrice gets embarrassed.  Shannon tries returning the pin, but Beatrice tells her to hold onto it, so she can remain in love.  Shannon acknowledges that Beatrice's magic was able to bring her and George together, but that she and George themselves have to be the ones to put in the effort into making it last forever.

Beatrice insists that Shannon hold onto the pin, as a token of their friendship.  She claims that many rely on her, but few actually display genuine gratitude for her work.  She also reveals that Shannon and Kanon are the only people on Rokkenjima who can see her, causing Shannon to point out that Kinzo was able to summon Beatrice for his gold.  Beatrice claims, in turn, that although Kinzo had no talent, but that she came anyway to make a fool of him.  'And that's where my luck ran out,'  she adds.  'I have been sewn to this island for several decades since then.'

When Shannon asks if that's because of the mirror, Beatrice replies that that's only one factor; a traveling eastern sorceror discovered a dark distortion in that shrine, and sealed it in the mirror.  Because of the seal, Beatrice's powers have not returned, and she can only maintain a faint existence.  Beatrice then muses over how storm clouds can make the sea look like a gray puddle, but Shannon says that even so, she still sees the sea as blue.  Beatrice says that her idealism is proof that she has become human.

Later, Shannon gives Kanon Beatrice's pin.  Kanon refuses it, claiming that Beatrice is only using her.  But Shannon claims that both the pin and Beatrice can make him happy too.  Hence, why he later helps out Jessica by pretending to be her boyfriend and attending one of her concerts.  He scoffs initially, only to see that Jessica acts differently in the outside world from how she acts in the mansion, and he's taken aback by it.  He later meets up with Jessica and compliments her on her singing, claiming that he can't because he's furniture.  Claiming that furniture and humans can never love one another, he says that Shannon and George will inevitably break up.

Beatrice, who's been observing, comes upon Kanon, who says that she's no Cupid of love---just a manipulator who toys with couples by granting them a false hope.  He steps on her pin in defiance and tells her to disappear.  Beatrice remains calm, claiming that her magical power will return and that she will revive regardless of Kanon's cynicism, as she is the true master of Rokkenjima.  And because she is the true master, she will control everything, and the door to the 'Golden Land' will open.  Laughing, she disappears.

Meanwhile, Kinzo is still sobbing over Beatrice refusing to appear to him.  Beatrice claims that he has been maddened by both gold and love, and that one maddened by neither is not human.  She says that she has sown three seeds of love, and desires to see what fruits they will bear.  'Golden butterflies will alight upon the juices of overripe and rotten fruit that have fallen to the ground.'  She is still awaiting the 'banquet...'

Sometime later, everyone's in preparations for the annual family conference.  Krauss is seen standing in front of Beatrice's portrait, only to be interrupted in his thoughts by Natsuhi, who tells him that Kinzo has been 'taken care of.'  Later on, Jessica is then seen standing in front of the portrait when Kumasawa comes in.  Jessica asks the old woman about Beatrice; the latter replies that Beatrice is the Golden Witch and the other master of Rokkenjima, who rules over it only at night.  When Jessica prods Kumasawa for more details, Kumasawa reveals that the original name of Rokkenjima was Azukishima, and that it had attracted a lot of damned souls due to the darkness that surrounded it.  However, Buddhist priests purified the isle by sealing the souls inside a shrine---but since that shrine was destroyed (by Shannon), the souls have run loose again.

If the newly-released souls manage to summon Beatrice during the family conference, Kumasawa begins, only to trail off.  Meanwhile, Kinzo is playing chess with the doctor, calling his family 'vultures' and imploring for Beatrice to accept his 'gamble.'

Battler, while the rest of the family is walking through the property, makes a comment about how during Halloween, witches are better able to appear due to the two realms---the human realm and the nether-realm---meeting during that time of year.  Maria confirms this, saying that because of that, Beatrice will surely appear.  And lo, Beatrice appears again.  She comments that the pieces are all lined up once again, and comments to Meta-Battler that they should begin a new game.  When Battler gets all determined, Beatrice warns him that until he acknowledges his losses, the cycle will be repeated----in essence, it's torture, and one that will never end until he submits to Beatrice herself and accepts the existence of witches.

In the real world, Battler tries asking Maria about Beatrice, only to have her be slapped for it by Rosa, who tells her not to talk about witches.  She takes away Maria's lollipop and crushes it underfoot.  Maria canonly watch, telling Rosa to 'defeat the bad witch.'  Kanon, feeling sorry for her, comes in and returns the lollipop to her, asking her if she's alright.  Maria responds that she's fine, and that Beatrice can repair the lollipop.

Sometime later when the family is discussing what to do about Kinzo (again), the typhoon hits (again) and Rosa goes to look for Maria (again), to find Maria standing around in the garden (again).  Beatrice pops up again, this time wearing a school-girl like outfit with the Ushiromiya golden eagle insignia tattooed on her left thigh.  Maria runs up to her and gives her a lollipop in honor of Halloween, which she readily accepts.  She also proceeds to repair Maria's other lollipop, telling her to remember what it looked like so her magic can work.  It does, and she returns the candy to Maria, as well as a letter, which she explains is her invitation to the 'Golden Land.'  She orders Maria not to open it until the time comes, and not to show it to anyone until then.

She also hands Rosa a letter, telling her to read it when everyone is gathered at the dinner table.  Beatrice then enters the mansion, only to be greeted by Genji.  She comments that he has 'aged.'  Kyrie walks past them, and she notices Beatrice.  Back in the Meta-World, Beatrice comments to Battler that his greatest basis for denying her is that she wasn't physically a part of all that had happened---she wasn't a 'piece' on the 'gameboard.'  However, since she's given herself a physical form in this scenario, Battler has no way of denying that she exists.

In the real world, Beatrice is being served tea by Kanon, explaining to him that the reason why she has come to Rokkenjima is to fulfill Kinzo's promise, and that they day when everything will be returned to the 'Golden Land' has now come.  She promises Kanon that he will no longer be furniture, but notices that he doesn't look particularly enthused, and asks if he still has regrets that bind him to the real world.  When he says that he doesn't, Beatrice calls him boring, and entertains the thought of sacrificing Shannon instead, since she'd have built up all manner of regrets due in part to her successful romance with George, which would in turn appease Beatrice herself.

Kanon gets antsy then, and Beatrice orders him to kneel before her and kiss her shoe.  If he complies, she will sacrifice him instead of Shannon.  He's upset, but does as obliged.

Sometime later, Beatrice is being served dinner by Shannon, asking the latter if she's mad at her for saving her love life only because she wanted to pull a good prank.  She confesses that she only brought Shannon and George together only because she wanted to see them break apart.  Shannon replies that Beatrice torments, confuses, and tortures people just for her own entertainment, and has since come up with a way to resist her----to not believe in her anymore and control her own fate; that way, she is no longer Beatrice's toy.  Beatrice is shocked for a moment, but as Shannon leaves, Beatrice promises that she will kill both her and George.

At dinner, Kyrie notices that Beatrice is missing, and asks Gohda if she will be joining them.  Gohda responds that she will eat in the VIP room, and everyone is shocked to hear her name.  Hideyoshi demands answers from Krauss, and Rudolf accuses him of calling her over.  Eva scoffs, saying that the guest couldn't possibly be the real Beatrice.  Rudolf then asks if Kinzo called her over, and calls her 'the witch,' to which Eva retorts that she is not a witch, but in fact either his mistress or illegitimate child.  Rudolf then expresses concerns that if that's the case, Beatrice must have snuck herself into Kinzo's will.  Natsuhi proceeds to rage out, but Kyrie settles everything by suggesting they ask Genji.

Afterward, when the doctor is taking the kids to the guest house, Battler asks him if Kinzo had a mistress named 'Beatrice.'  The doctor confirms this, but says he never met her, and that Kinzo spoke of her a lot.  He also says that she passed away some time ago.  Battler then asks if they had a child together, and the doctor responds that he doesn't know.  However, he goes on to explain that Kinzo was researching a way to revive Beatrice, thus explaining Kinzo's fascination with black magic.  The doctor then says that Beatrice probably returned for revenge.  Battler once again writes it off as bullshit, and Maria once again insists that Beatrice will prove to him the existence of witches and magic.

Meanwhile, the adults have gathered in the chapel, acknowledging Beatrice's existence to the woman herself.  She says that they loved using the Devil's Proof as a convenient excuse when they couldn't prove anything.  Kyrie, who was the biggest skeptic when it came to Beatrice, also surrenders and acknowledges her as the alchemic advisor to the Ushiromiya family, as well as a witch.

Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, and their spouses go missing, while the remaining guests find the chapel door locked. Rosa finds the chapel key inside the envelope Beatrice gave Maria, and everyone enters to find the missing people murdered inside, along with some of Kinzo's hidden gold. After separating from the others, Jessica and Kanon are ambushed by Beatrice, who summons her legion of goat servants against them. Kanon fights off the goats until Beatrice summons two of her Stakes of Purgatory, Asmodeus and Satan, who kill Jessica and Kanon. In the Meta-World, Battler and Beatrice suspend their game to determine how the first six people could have been murdered inside a locked room. Battler begins forming several theories, but Beatrice counters most of them, using red text to speak the truth. However, Battler manages to catch Beatrice off guard by theorizing that the culprit could have taken the key from the envelope, locked the dead bodies in the room, and put the key back where it was. Beatrice congratulates Battler, but remains confident he will submit.

Everyone finds Jessica's body in her locked room, while Kanon's is nowhere to be found, having been erased by Beatrice. After the notion of Kanon killing Jessica is deterred since he gave Jessica his master key, the other servants are marked as the most likely suspects. Battler, meanwhile, finds himself unable to think of any way the crime could have been carried out while knowing the servants are innocent. Rosa sends the servants off, hoping to use them as bait to draw out the culprit. In the process, the servants stumble across Kanon, severely wounded but apparently still alive, who tells them that Rosa was the one who attacked him. However, it is soon discovered that this Kanon is a duplicate created by Beatrice. The fake Kanon attacks the servants, killing Nanjo and Kumasawa before being destroyed by the other servants.

The servants try to explain what happened to the others, but when they return to the room where Nanjo and Kumasawa were killed, their bodies are missing. In an effort to gain Rosa's trust, the servants give their master keys to her. Still suspicious, however, Rosa sends the servants off once again, this time with George deciding to accompany them. Put off by Rosa's paranoia and not wanting to suspect his family and friends, Battler begins to accept Beatrice as a witch. Meanwhile, the other servants learn about the mirror Shannon smashed, and remember that Natsuhi was in possession of a similar mirror, which they believe should help them. George, Shannon, and Gohda retrieve Natsuhi's room key from her corpse, but are chased by Beatrice and her furniture along the way. The three manage to enter Natsuhi's room, but Gohda is killed by Beelzebub while he tries to keep the witch's furniture at bay, allowing Beatrice to confront George and Shannon herself.

Empowered by Natsuhi's mirror, Shannon attempts to defend herself and George, but they are both killed by Beatrice. The remaining survivors find Nanjo's and Kumasawa's bodies, followed by the bodies of George, Shannon, and Gohda. Rosa begins to suspect Battler after they find another letter, but Battler and Maria blame Beatrice. Rosa and Maria go to take one of the gold bars from the chapel, leaving Genji to bring Battler before Beatrice herself. In exchange for an explanation of how Beatrice used her magic to commit the crimes, Battler is enslaved and humiliated by the witch before being killed by her goat butlers along with Kinzo. Rosa and Maria are also ambushed by the goat butlers and killed as they try to escape. In Purgatory, Beatrice tortures Rosa into accepting her as a witch, by making her eat certain body parts of Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, and Maria in the afterlife. Battler stops her, having regained his will to fight her after seeing Rosa's will to continue denying witches and Beatrice. Afterward, Beatrice reveals to Bernkastel that she is aware of her meddling before the two witches are joined by another witch, Lambdadelta, who seeks to participate in Beatrice's next game against Bernkastel.


'Looks can be deceiving' couldn't sum up Beatrice any better than 'wow, what a bitch.'  Indeed, it's no surprise Kinzo came to be as obssessed with her as he became: at first glance, Beatrice is all what you would want her to be---beautiful, alluring, elegant, and almost sensual in her speech and mannerisms.  She's just like the Big Bad Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood; this veneer of hers is solely for the main purpose outlined by 'all the better to eat you with, my dear.'  Except Beatrice isn't as beastly, or as brutal.  At least, not openly so.

Beatrice is all about appearances, and that's what makes her so conniving and underhanded at times.  She can lure her victims in with promises of good fortune, only to use them as her pawns for her own benefit and strand them in a swamp of false hope and dashed dreams, as clearly evidenced by her interactions with Shannon.  Beatrice approaches her in a civil, almost friendly manner at the outset, but one can pick up on a note of haughtiness and condescendingness underlying all that---Shannon, is after all, a servant, and below Beatrice in terms of status and power.  Beatrice even refers to her and Kanon as 'Furniture' in a rather disdainful tone several times.

And that is the crux of Beatrice's personality: arrogance, the principle of 'because I fucking can.'  Of course, she's got the chops to back it up, but the one thing wrong with the picture is how she's so willing to rub her powers in front of everyone's faces, and use them as recklessly and elaborately as possible.  The only reason why she 'helps' people is to prove and solidify the fact that she is the one and only, the all-powerful, omniscient Golden Witch.  It's also the reason why she torments people as well.  And she will stop at nothing to make sure people bow down to her: whether it's forcing them to their knees, mocking them, and to kiss her feet, like she does with Kanon and the adult members of the Ushiromiya family; denying and abandoning them, as she does Kinzo; threatening them, as she does Shannon; or just plain driving them insane, as she does to Battler and also to Kinzo----as long as it gratifies and fulfills her needs in the end, Beatrice is fine with doing all of these things and more.

With that being said, the offset to Beatrice's arrogance is her hatred of being denied.  When Shannon initially hints at wanting to end her compromise with Beatrice, Beatrice insists that she hold on to the pin she gave her as a 'token of friendship.'  And when Shannon officially declares that she no longer has a use for Beatrice's magic and wants to preserve her happiness with George by her own effort and will, Beatrice is shocked at first, but is quick to lash out when Shannon leaves.  Beatrice is also quick to put down Kanon when he denies that she is trying to help people, declaring herself to be 'master' of Rokkenjima.  Battler's denial of her existence only provokes her into acting more wild, creating more elaborate and surreal scenarios for him to sort through and figure out----to the point that her efforts almost eat her whole, as evidenced by her later fight with her former mentor, Virgilia.

Beatrice also hates boredom.  To Beatrice, Battler---and just about everyone else in her story----are her toys, toys that she will manhandle and break apart until she's bored with them.   And when she's bored with someone, she'll just abandon them, even kill them.  Which is what she does with Kinzo, and multiple times.  Virgilia, who was once her mentor, also falls victim to the wrath of Beatrice's boredom---because she already served her uses as the one who granted her her powers to begin with.  Beatrice's aversion to boredom only proves how childish and bratty she really is, and how she takes everything and everyone around her for granted.

But that is not to say that Beatrice cannot be sensitive, or contemplative.  The only person she seems to show honest compassion toward is little Maria, who has proven to be the most fervent of her followers besides Kinzo.  It is Beatrice who has helped Maria be able to endure her mother's abuse (albeit indirectly), and of course, Beatrice herself rewards her for her belief in her----by repairing her broken lollipop, and bringing her stuffed toy Sakutaro to life as her little familiar.  At one point, Beatrice displays a brief moment of melancholy in reminiscing over how she came to be summoned and bound to Kinzo, stating that when she met him, her luck 'ran out.'  She also reflects upon Shannon's idealism and dreams, an allusion to how Beatrice herself has long lost such 'human' qualities in her ascenscion to power.

Much later, however, Beatrice's sadness becomes more readily apparent when she passes on her title and powers to an alternate version of Ushiromiya Eva; when Battler accuses Beatrice of causing the chaos Eva-Beatrice has wreaked, Beatrice is actually hurt and offended, and demands to know why Battler hates her so much.  She proceeds to mope over his hatred of her----but what she doesn't realize, or is perhaps denying, is how all of his hatred and distrust of her is quite honestly her fault.  Again, Beatrice's childishness and arrogance comes into question here.  She wants so badly for Battler to acknowledge her, yet she's already burned her bridge with him.  She's like a child scrambling for a balloon that is quickly floating into the sky----in foolishly passing on all of her livelihood to someone else, Battler becomes Beatrice's only ticket for redemption, which essentially forces her to fight and work for motivations other than her own...



Beatrice, as the Endless Witch and Golden Witch, possesses magical abilties akin to that of a goddess.  Her primary ability, however, is her control over life and death.  Her magic can repair broken objects---including people, so long as either she or the object's owner  or the person's loved one has a clear memory of what the object or person looked like when it was still intact or when they were still alive.  Beatrice also is practically immortal, as she is shown to be able to withstand massive amounts of damage to her person; during her fight with Virgilia, she is impaled with several of the latter's spears of light, only to heal herself and get right back up again.

Beatrice is also capable of summoning various demon familiars, otherwise known as 'Furniture.' One exmaple of  such are the Seven Stakes of Purgatory, who take on the form of girls who represent both one archdemon and one of the Seven Deadly Sins; additionally, the Stakes have a weapon form as noted by their title, which can repeatedly and rapidly lacerate and impale an opponent.  Beatrice can also summon her butler, Ronove, and his subordinates, the Goat Butlers.  She can also summon invulnerable golems and towers that fire their own spears of light.

Beatrice is shown levitating in the air and teleporting from place to place several times throughout the story, and she can turn herself into a flurry of golden butterflies for reconnaisance purposes or just for lulz.  Humorously, she can also change clothing in the blink of an eye.

On a more grotesque note, Beatrice's magic can be quite destructive.  She burned Kinzo alive using only her will, and can summon magical beams of light.

Of course, having Beatrice retain all of these abilities would make her a godmod in every sense of the word (even though she doesn't play fair to begin with), and so, for the purposes of this game, I will streamline her abilities to:


1) Illusion Casting: Beatrice now has the ability to alter someone's perceptions, causing them to experience hallucinations.  When she takes on the form of the golden butterflies, this is a cue that this power of hers will be unleashed.  In surrounding a person in this form, she can cause people to feel, hear, see, smell, and/or taste things that are otherwise not there.  Additionally, she can also disguise herself as other people using this ability.   However, this ability has its limits: for one, she can only affect one person at a time; also, the intensity of the hallucinations largely depend on the mindset of her target, different visions will appear depending on the target's memories, and she can only disguise herself as people her target knows.  Finally, those with powerful psychic abilities and/or magical resistance will either be able to gradually repel this ability or be completely unaffected by it.  In the case of the former, however, with the help of other psychics or some kind of anti-psychic device, she can easily project illusions right into a psychic target's mind.

2) Teleportation: Beatrice can now open portals and instantaneously teleport both herself, others, and objects over a variety of distances.  However, this ability can be hampered by the amount of people she has to bring along with her, the mass of any objects she wishes to take, and the distance between locations---the more people, the heavier the objects, or the larger the distance that she must teleport, the more strain she experiences; she'll become exhausted if she pushes this ability to its limit.

3) Energy Constructs: Beatrice now has the ability to construct shapes and even machinery using solid energy.  This ability is only really limited by her imagination----she can create shields, swords, spears, and various other implements.  However, the more complicated a construct she creates, the more energy it takes out of her.  Summoning multiple constructs also drains her considerably.



[For a few minutes, if one peers closely at the video feed---which for some reason is rather staticky---one can see the back of what appears to be a blonde woman, dressed in a rather outlandish gown, standing in the middle of a park.  The video feed falters considerably then, and suddenly, the woman is gone.  There are only golden butterflies in her place.

That's when the video cuts off abruptly, and all you can hear is a woman's sultry, but menacing chuckling.]

My, my, such a big city.  This gameboard is unlike anything I've ever seen; so many places to see, so many things to obtain, so many pieces to play!

[The woman's laugh becomes a bit louder, harsher, more arrogant in tone.  Then comes the sound of people murmuring amongst each other about 'strange butterflies.'  A little girl's voice makes a comment about how 'pretty they are!']

Then let's play a game, shall we? Let's call it...'Whodunit'! Just like in the old mystery novels! Except the goal is not to figure out 'whodunit,' but rather...

[A younger woman's scream suddenly echoes through the voice feed, screaming about horrible monsters hiding in the trees.  More frantic murmuring comes from who sound like passersby, trying to allay the victim in question, and then yells and cries quickly follow a rather sickening stabbing noise.]

...To glorify my name.  Do you all think you're worthy enough to be graced by my presence? If so...catch me if you can!



Beatrice was bored.

And when Beatrice was bored, she became antsy, restless.  The bright lights and big buildings, all the crowds of the city only held her attention for so long----after all, she had been bound to a remote island location for years upon years prior, so it was like a whole new world for her the moment she stepped into the din of people, cars, and steel.  But she could appreciate one thing; unlike Rokkenjima, this city was still quite raucous even into the hours of the night.  So she didn't have to worry about people being asleep or being too quiet.

Yet the noise made her itch all the more harder to scratch.  Strolling through the park under the silver gleam of the moonlight, puffing on her ever-present pipe, she knew she had to do something.  Anything, to entertain herself.  But where could she begin? She had to start small if she was to begin a new game----the element of surprise, of suspense, proved to be her greatest ally in her aim to destroy the Ushiromiya family.  To Beatrice, it was always more proper to save the best for last.  For all of Battler's stubbornness, he still lost out in the end because he simply couldn't keep up with her.  Everyone he loved had been so easy to manipulate because of the dark feelings in each and every one of their hearts.  He had been too easy of an opponent to crush, because he was young and naive, uncertain of himself.

Beatrice made damn well sure to take advantage of all that.  She made damn well sure to stomp upon, slap around, and chop up the Ushiromiya family.  It had all culminated to a grand feast that filled Beatrice's belly and left her satisfied and sated.

Yet it was only temporary.  When Beatrice would binge, she only craved more.

And that was what annoyed her, sometimes, about humans.  How defiant and stubborn they were even despite their finite nature.  How they always strove to push themselves past their painfully obvious limits.  And yet, that was also what amused her about them, too.  Because it just made it all the more gratifying to tear asunder their hopes and dreams before their very eyes.  They were like a never-ending supply of cakes and pastries that she could choose from and gobble up however she wished.

Because she could.  Because she was Beatrice, the Golden Witch.

Hidden in the shadows of the trees, Beatrice quickly came upon a wandering young woman, dressed in raggedy clothes and smoking a cigarette.  And she smiled, letting out a small, quiet chuckle.  A perfect victim.  The girl was alone.  She appeared tired and upset.  All the better to eat you with, my dear, Beatrice thought, as the golden butterflies appeared around her one by one.  She could see that this girl had much in the way of fears and despair to bring to life.  The perfect opening to the perfect kill.

The first twilight had begun.


Beatrice's more comical weakness is sweets.  She'll gobble anything sweet up like a boss----whether it's cake, candy, pastries, what have you.  She does get embarrassed whenever people point it out, though. 


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