purplepsilon is the winner!

Sep 27, 2009 21:41

purplepsilon was the only one to correctly guess which of the six culinary adventures I went on this weekend.  

Things everything thinks I did that I didn't do: Make pasta and sausage. There is no story about these, I didn't attempt them, don't think I will be attempting them, I just needed some other plausible things that it sounded like I did.... two truths and a lie style.

Things I did that that everyone guessed: Made a ton of soup, made two types of creme brulee and made lots of meringue puffs.

Thing I did that almost no one suspected: Grew my own potatoes!

I included the soup in the list only because when I first made my list of interesting foods this weekend, it occurred to me that I made a TON of soup. There were ~12 servings I'd guess. Chicken and rice soup with brown rice, a precooked store bought chicken, carrots, broccoli and celery. It's a dish my mom use to make when I was growing up and we'd eat on it for the better part of a week. Eric got sick at the end of last weekend so I decided to make this soup. I didn't mean to make so much, I just made soup. Apparently I make a lot. I'll try to make less next time. My note: no more than one cup of rice.

I make a mean creme brulee. It was never something I cared much about, but then I got a creme brulee kit (ramekins and a torch) for my wedding. It sat idle for 6 months or so before I finally decided to do something with it. I busted out my Joy of Cooking (Eric may tell you it is his, but possession is 9/10 of the law, eh?). So I learned to make a vanilla creme brulee. It's DELICIOUS!! It's my favorite thing that I make and I typically make a better one than most restaurants. I've looked at recipes for other flavors, but I've instead decided that I know what I'm doing and I usually make it up. Over the years I've made raspberry (which I won't make again), pumpkin spice (which I will make again in October) and Egg Nog (which was awesome and I'll try again in December) flavors. Awesome. This weekend I decided to make chocolate. But I can't just make a new flavor without making some vanilla, so I made both. The vanilla was as perfect as ever, but the chocolate isn't perfect. I will need to experiment more with it. It just needed more oomph. More chocolaty flavor.

So since I made creme brulee, and I decided to go the all egg yolk route (although honestly, whole eggs instead is like 95% as good) that meant I had 8 egg whites to do something with. Egg white omelettes are a good choice, but Eric made me pancakes for breakfast and that was way better. So I decided to make meringue puffs. They turned out quite well with one fatal flaw. I didn't have any parchment paper (I know, I REALLY need to get some), so I just buttered and flowered my baking sheet. More than half the puffs stuck to the sheet and were super hard to remove. Boo. But they're delicious and totally worth making again. Although I'll probably just use 4 egg whites, this made a TON of meringue.

Lastly, the potatoes. I know, I grew potatoes. How random! But like 3-4 months ago I had a potato sit out on the counter for a long while and struggle to grow. It made a silver dollar or so sized root blossom and I decided to go for it and plant it. I read to cut the potato down plant a bit of potato with the root ball. I had an empty pot that was left outside my door about 6 months ago when some neighbors moved. It was a big pot full of unknown dirt, so for this experiment I just went with it. I put the potato in the pot and watered it and within like 3 days there were a few plants that were like 3" tall!! Crazy right, so another 3 days later the plants were taller and there was another kind of plant growing. I had NO idea what either plant was and my lazy internet search resulted in nothing. In any case, I just kept watering the plants along with the rest of my potted plants. But about a week ago the big, 18" tall plants started to die. Saturday morning Eric decided to dig up the dead plants and see what was there. Low and behold, there were 2 small potatoes! Cazy!! I grew potatoes.

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