[Fenris is stalking through Mayfield today, looking uncomfortable and irritable in the clothing Mayfield has provided for him. There must have been a time before he wore his armor constantly, taking it off only to clean and repair it or for sleep, but those days have been forgotten. It feels like walking around without his skin
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[Why, yes, Dist can tell that you are new! How? New people are the only ones who don't seem to know where they're going. Besides, there's been a flood lately, and he feels it's a safe gamble.]
[Beat.] The what I just dodged? What are you talking about?
[Dist tosses his hair a little and sighs, a little huffily.]
I can tell you're new because you're wandering. You're not going anywhere, you're just figuring out where things are. I could spot you a mile away; you're not even trying to hide it.
[Dist lets the implications of his following random strangers hang without comment, choosing instead to grin broadly and reach into the inside pocket of his coat.]
It's the best possible scenario, really, given the unfortunate circumstances of being trapped here. I just so happen to have penned a letter for wayward newcomers like yourself.
[And he holds one of said letters out for the man to take.]
...I can't read. [There seems to be no alternative to admitting this.]
Dist! Oh, Dist! I wanted to show you something. [[!] She turns to look at Fenris.] Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt.
Ah, Bianca, how wonderful. This one is to stay, this time?
I was just talking to... ah, your name?
[He turns back to Fenris as he speaks, trying not to smirk. Not very hard, though.]
Besides, Dist has more of his attention. He can see the man's mocking amusement in his eyes - it's very similar to the sorts of looks Hadriana would give him, at her most superior. His fists clench of their own accord.] Fenris.
[He looks down at the paper Dist is holding. Perhaps he should grab it and ask Noel to read it to him...she seems agreeable enough.]
[Bianca turns to Fenris as well. Snivy doesn't seem interested in either man, though, since he hops down and turns away from them both.]
Oh, are you new here, Fenris? It's nice to meet you, too. What were you guys talking about?
[Bianca had never explained Pokémon evolution to him. He makes a note to ask later; her world sounds interesting.]
Ah, I was just explaining to our new friend what he can expect, now that he's here. It's just a part of my generous spirit.
[He turns back to Fenris, clearly proud of himself. He hasn't put the letter away.]
I could have her read it to you?
But he won't forget this, Dist.] ...if she is willing.
She's also completely oblivious to the tension and what's going on in the conversation, but she's always willing to help, so she takes the letter from Dist and starts reading.]
That would be perfect, yes. I think you'll agree that my work is providing a valuable service to our otherwise uninformed newcomers.
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