Ok. So.

Jul 07, 2009 00:55

I want to go to Burning Man: Evolution.

I'm growing out of my skin. It's uncomfortable and yet necessary (the 2 often go hand in hand). I feel I am on my way to "leveling up". The next big step for me.

Months ago I had a dream where I was at BM, in the Temple, having an epiphany. As I walked the land in my underwear, I realized I had never been so comfortable in my own skin. In my body. In my essential being. I met someone there... don't know who or why. There was an unexplainable connection that unfolded in graceful layers throughout the dream. He made me let go and I helped to tend his wounds.
I woke up and knew... I have to figure out a way.

I'm not sure I'd forgive myself if I don't go. Listening to my intuition... I'm trying to get better at that.

There are about a million ways to do it (all near crazy). Though currently, I am ticket-less, camp-less, and mostly money-less. Needless to say, I am open to suggestions, good mojo, a cosmic pull to do it the way I need to experience it, and somehow trusting that things will unfold the way they need to. Trust. that's a biggy.

I've been sent some suggestions by sweet comrades who have gone before, but thought I'd open it to the floor because nothing has pulled me one way or the other.... though I know this road trip with Sun up the west coast will guide me the right way :)
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