The Outlook is Bleak

Sep 07, 2004 15:27

The video gaming industry is apparently attempting to make up for all the time since the last absolutely spectacular game was released a couple of years ago.  The problem is that there is a large number of companies all releasing what could be tremendous games all at once.. as well as required DVD's such as Star Wars.  Here is the schedule which will claim a large portion of my paychecks over the next couple of months, as well as the dates when.

Starwars Battlefront Sept 21st.

Rome: total War Sept 22nd

Starwars DVD Collection Sept 21st

Evil Genius Sept 28th (game looks like it could be pretty fun but hopefully a wait till it is only 20-25 bucks kind)

Tribes: Vengeance  October sometime

Things do NOT get better in November.

Half Life 2: November 1st
Halo 2: November 15th.
Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth: November 15th

Luckily this is a little ways off.
Knights of the Old Republic II:  December 15th.

Oh the tragedy, the massive amounts of money... the hours and hours and hours of anti-social behavior and  FUN!!!!
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