am i really never here anymore? this is crazy - i used to have something to say three or four times a day, and now i'm lucky if i get in here to post once every two weeks or so. with the advent of facebook and then twitter, i swore i'd still have things to say beyond the status updates and character limits, but then i just... stopped.
and i'm not okay with that, but i'm not sure how to fix it because i don't want to force it. but i suppose that's my issue to contend with.
catch-up time. you know i didn't buy, and in the near future at any rate will not be buying, a house. i am, however, getting LASIK surgery. tomorrow. and i'm not nervous exactly, so much as... a little ooked out. like, i'm fine with things touching my eyes. mom couldn't deal with anything coming near her eyes, but i'm cool with drops and things, and hell, even during the pre-op consultation they had to test my eyeball pressure (or something) by lightly pressing a blunt point to my eyeball, and sure i got a huge rush of adrenaline followed by a lengthy bout of nervous giggles (i was apologetic because i'm sure the doctor found it creepy, but she just said that, as long as i wasn't running to puke, she was cool with it), but i wasn't horrified.
no, what i'm heebed by is the flap. do you know about this? well, i know
danielspice does, cuz he's had the procedure. but for anyone else, it goes like this: they put clamps in to keep your eyes open (like 'clockwork orange', but more sanitary), and then put a round ring thing around your cornea. somehow the ring thing causes suction and it raises up your cornea. at this time, your vision goes grey, which really freaks me out. so then they take the laser and cut most of the way around the ring, creating a "corneal flap."
ladies and gentlemen, i have a new Least Favorite Term Ever. my friend ari told me that i should tell the doctor to please be gentle because i'm afraid my flap will be sensitive, which is funny because it's moderately dirty-sounding, but i'm actually sort of afraid that it will be sensitive! all the material assures me that it will be almost entirely healed back over within five minutes after surgery, but still. freaky-fucking-deaky.
so that's tomorrow. yesterday saw me reading all day to get through
the densest book f. scott fitzgerald ever wrote, which i did because i'm awesome, and then i did final revisions for the paper due for my wednesday class and put together the powerpoint presentation for thursday (teaching myself to use powerpoint in the process because woot), finding time in all of that to watch "sorority wars" on lifetime because i have a straight boy crush on lucy hale.
today sees me all day in western mass for OH MY GOD KEELY'S BABY SHOWER ("joyous occasions" are really so much more joyous when she'd been trying to get pregnant for as long as she has and it finally worked! and not that i suddenly like babies (despite being, as some can attest, oddly good with them), but you guys, i'm sorry, baby clothes are so fucking cute)!!!!! then i'm blind for a day and a half, after which i have work on wednesday and then after handing in one paper will come home and write the paper that goes with the book and presentation, after which i'll probably pass out, and now we're up to speed!