Aug 16, 2006 14:31
Well, it's been a rather decent summer. Complete with the usual African tan, heart break, and , shitty cafeteria style camp food. Contemplating a summer without camp next year is going to be so surreal. Haven't spent a summer away from camp since ... I was probably 5? Insane to imagine, I know. I keep trying to think of what my "school goals' this year will be, but I can't get past the part where I'm driving down to school all by myself for the very first time. I keep thinking about how creepy it would be if I died and everyone read this entry, and they think I just sort of knew it was going to happen. Hopefully I'm about as useless as Miss Cleo when predicting the future. Wow my journal just took a morbid turn ...
Returning to normalcy (only vaguely though, I suppose) I think the reason why people are such hypochondriacs (and by people I mostly mean me) is because every day on the news there's a new health report about something else that causes a malignant form of cancer, or a new brain disease imported from Tunisia, or or fifty more foods that cause heart disease (beware of sugar, fat, carb, protein, trans fat, acids, citrus, eggs, dairy, seafood, beef, poultry, pork, water, juice, ... okay, fucking become an anorexic NO wait, that's bad too) plus there's another variety of things which just can't possibly be good for you: lead, antifreeze, soap .. the list is endless. How can I not become obsessed with thoughts of my own demise, when every five seconds I'm reminded of how fragile the human body really is. What did people do before there was the six o'clock news or even newspapers to tell them about the modern developments of ways to die? Was there one really wise caveman who would point to certain objects and grunt three times, making the entire troupe of prehistoric men aware of the dangers of eating that dinosaur? Whenever I stop to think about aches and pains that are just a daily routine of life, I immediately am curious whether or not it could be a grapefruit sized tumor just waiting to burst forth from my body like Athena from Zeus. What I'm trying to really sum up here in this last sentence is that I hope to overcome the dangers of living, and confront my fears of the 430032004943 ways to go. I guess it's true that you only get one life, (although I'm sort of hoping that whole reincarnation shindig isn't a fairy tale) and that I should start trying to make the most of it.
And now I go pack. Hope everyone out there is okay.