I''ve lost some things and I can't fi nd them.
if anyone has seen small clothes... a green hat, some whit e leggings, boots and a belt, please let me know. i'm missing a white baton with/ wind carvings nad a really big leaf too, i need those back.
thank you.
[Ooc: Link has died. The leggings are the only things still up for grabs! Feel free to
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He still doesn't know what to tell her, but hopefully she isn't going to ask him what happened. He knows for a fact he couldn't make himself do that.]
He'd just barely finished knocking when she swung the door open.] You're late- ?! [She's shocked at his state for a moment, but it doesn't take long for her expression to fall back to the default annoyed glare.] Well, look what the cat dragged in. You look terrible.
At least she didn't throw it at his face, so he'll take that as a good sign. He's almost relieved to see that standard expression, which is really weird, so he tries not to think about it. He shrugs weakly and attempts a smile, which is really quite pathetic. He is pathetic in general at the moment.]
She gives him a pointed look and crosses her arms.] Do I want to know what happened?
He looks at her, wanting to lie because he knows it would be best if she didn't have to know, but she does, he can't hide this from her. He looks away to at least conceal his tears, because saying it out loud really cements what's happened to him.]
[Her expression hardens, but it's difficult to tell what she's thinking at the moment. Still, she's calm as of now- Tetra has always been a good actress. She shifts back, holding the door open and looking rather impatient. This is not an invitation to come inside Link. It's an order.] I get the feeling this is going to be a long and complicated story, and I doubt you want to be standing in the doorway like a dork when you tell it. Don't bother going to get your notepad, I have one here you can use.
She rolls her eyes at his fidgeting and moves over to her bed, propping a pillow up against the headboard.] Sit there; the notepad is on the dresser next to it. [Conveniently, there is also a pen.] I'll get you some water- you don't look like you could keep down anything else.
That's going to taste nasty, but you'll have to deal with it. It's salt-sugar water; it'll help with your nausea. [Her next move is to reach up and place a hand on his forehead, the other reaching to touch her own. Don't get any ideas, she's just checking for a fever. :|]
What's with that look? Well, whatever... No fever, so that's one good thing you've got going for you. [Seemingly satisfied, she hops up on the bed herself, choosing to sit at his feet with her legs dangling off the edge.] You manage to write anything yet, or are you still too out of it?
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