Feb 23, 2009 23:43
As mentioned on my facebook status, Miss B is having Night Terrors, so I am playing online between them. I'm afraid each time that this one will be a return of the vomitting from this morning. Better Night Terrors than puking, sez I. That's seeing the glass half-full looking on the bright side, I guess.
Oscar night was fun in a low-key way. Mandy had printed up Oscar Bingo cards for us. The squares said things like 'winner forgets to thank spouse' (thanks, Sean Penn!) or 'Nicole Kidman shows up in something washed-out and completely wrong for her.' We were each about one square away from about 3 different Bingos. Curse you, Kate Winslet, for reigning-in the tears!
I am of 2 minds on Hugh Jackman as host. Remember when he hosted the Tonys a few years ago and matched the Rockettes kick-for-kickline? Good on ya, Mate! I thought the Swingin' Nightclub vibe worked well for him, and the sets built in a garage opening number was lively and charming. On the other hand, this is a year that could have used an opening monologue (and not just because it would have covered another 3 Bingo spaces.) I loved Jon Stewart as host, but can see that not working for everyone. Also, the 'The Musical is Back' montage with Beyonce's sparkly red crotch curtain? Let us never speak of it. How about bringing back Steve Martin? Or pairing him with Tina Fey. Not every presenter can halt the scripted patter with 'Don't fall in love with me!' and make it work.
Speaking of making it work... is it wrong that Mandy's guy was the first to point out how ill-fitting Le Gunn's suit is in those Tide commercials?
I think it was Cleolinda who commented that Ben Stiller's Joaquim Phoenix bit was both completely on and totally wrong. The wandering during the reading of nominees? Very Wrong. And yet, Hasidic Meth Lab would be an awesome band name.
The previous winners lauding the nominated performances? It was touching. It was refreshing. It took Way Too Damn Long. Not sure how to fix that one. Excuse me? Ben? Sir Kingsley? Could you cut this line and maybe speed up your delivery just a scosh? You certainly ARE a Sexy Beast! I imagined Phillip Seymour Hoffman's thought bubble read: I suppose it's an honor to have an actor of Alan Arkin's calliber f*cking up your name on Oscar night! Show of hands - did anyone else think Tilda Swinton had gone Rogue Maverick when she started talking to Taranji P in the Best Supporting Actress presentation? Your mind is conditioned to the routine. The nominees in this category show blah blah blah... and that is what YOU did, Taranji! I was sure she'd gone completely off-script and would continue with The aliens tell me that you deserve this most. And now we shall take over the wooooooorld!!!
I did have the good fortune to watch The Visitor on Sunday morning. Richard Jenkins was wonderful as a professor disconnected from life who gradually makes a connection with the people he finds living at his all-but-abandoned NYC apartment. As an added bonus, there is a brief but memorable appearance by Marian Seldes, who is not only a regular on NPR's selected shorts, but also originated the role of Fanny Church in Painting Churches.
So... Slumdog Millionaire goes at the bottom of a very long viewing list. Here's hoping I'm at least halfway done with the project by Oscar Night #82!
project oscar