Before setting of to Australia I remember posting some doubts about how an introverted loner like myself would cope with spending 24 hours a day with another person. (There were no problems with Anna of course, it's just that would be so new for me.) So how did it go travelling with another for someone who is used to avoiding people so I can get more me time!?
Well to keep it brief, it was fantastic! It was strange at first, spending so much time with one person, but as me and Anna got to know each other better, and we settled into the travelling life it became the best. I was so happy out there. My friendship with Anna is something really amazing and I’ve felt like I known her for years, rather than less than 12 months! So many people gave me warnings about travelling with someone from another country that I’d never met before - and sure I’m not dismissing them here, or saying they were unreasonable or unjustified, but I never felt really concerned. It’s going to sound awfully cheesy but I just knew that I was going to have an great time with her.
I liked having someone to share the trip with, I don't have the feeling of being unable to make others understand how the journey was for me, as I can joke and remember events with the person I traveled with here. When we were walking around or seeing attractions, I could point things out to her and we could talk and have a giggle. I think that's one of the things I miss when I travel alone, there is no one to share the adventure with. I don't think I could travel with someone all the time, but I would love to do it again!
The most frequently asked question is; did we get on? Yes we did! A few grumpy moments on my behalf, but other than that we never argued or fell out. We still talk every day - and she's certainly a bestie. :)
When Anna flew back into London in August I made the trip down from Norwich to meet her and we spent the day together getting up to our usual very random fun. For example buying bubble guns from Hamley’s, then travelling all the way to Victoria just to buy a screwdriver so we could put the batteries in and use them! She made me laugh so much during lunch that I could hardly eat for giggling at one point. My favourite part of the day was climbing up onto the base of Nelson’s Column and sitting there for what felt like forever. (And sitting in chewing gum *sigh*. I still can't get it off my jeans.) That evening we met up with another friend Lollypop, who was part of the message board meet up in June, and went for a meal. We all talked for hours, had a mega photo sharing session and then walked back to the hostel where I cursed time for going too quickly again.
At the door of the hostel we had one of those truly awful moments where there is nothing left to do except say goodbye, and as we didn’t want to we just stood there not saying anything! I cried so much that night and on the way back to Norwich the next day. Mainly because the trip we'd been planning and looking forward to all year was over and also because I don't know when I will get to see Anna next. We both want to travel together again someday though. I feel so lucky to have found a great travel companion.
^ Here we are sat on Nelson's Column.
love & hugs